What's Changed
- [stable29] fix(tests): Fix tests when daytime saving time change happened recently by @backportbot in #44618
- [stable29] fix(capabilities): Expose if mod-rewrite is working via capabilities by @backportbot in #44800
- [stable29] chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor by @backportbot in #44828
- [stable29] chore: Update @nextcloud/upload to 1.1.1 to fix uploading large files by @susnux in #44836
- [stable29] fix(Blurhash): Suppress imagecreatefromstring() E_WARNING by @backportbot in #44716
- [stable29] chore(files): Switch widget icon to primary color by @backportbot in #44846
- [stable29] fix: Fix avatar images by @Pytal in #44737
- [stable29] fix(files): Inherit some node attributes when creating new nodes to preserve shared state by @backportbot in #44845
- [stable29] fix(systemtags): Use built-in input label to satisfy a11y check of NcSelect by @backportbot in #44880
- [stable29] fix(status): Update status time when reverting to it manually by @backportbot in #44885
- [stable29] fix(files): Clear search filter when changing directory or view by @backportbot in #44887
- [stable29] fix: avoid douple
parsing by @backportbot in #44910 - [stable29] fix(appconfig): returns correct value on details by @ArtificialOwl in #44907
- [stable29] fix(files): Also skip cross storage move with access control by @backportbot in #44890
- [stable29] fix(files): Do not show files from hidden folders in "Recent"-view if hidden files are disabled by user by @backportbot in #44866
- [stable29] fix(sharing): Don't change the type of the controller argument by @backportbot in #44917
- [stable29] chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue to v8.11.2 by @backportbot in #44816
- [stable29] fix(appconfig): returns correct value on details by @backportbot in #44914
- [stable29] fix(files): Also restore shares after ownership transfer for object storage by @backportbot in #44922
- 29.0.0 RC5 by @Altahrim in #44873
Full Changelog: v29.0.0rc4...v29.0.0rc5