v2.0.0 - 2022/05/19
The usage of the pipeline has been updated. It is recommended to reads the usage.md document.
- Added qualimap/rnaseq v2.2.2d from nf-core modules
- Added UCSC gtfToGenePred v377
- Added picard CollectRnaSeqMetrics v2.26.10
- Added picard MarkDuplicates v2.26.10 from nf-core modules
- Added cat/fastqc from nf-core modules
- Added possibility for manually feeding the results of fusions from different tools to speed-up reruns
- STAR-Fusion references can be downloaded or built but downloaded references are NOT RECOMMENDED as not thoroughly tested (--starfusion_build parameter is true by default, use --starfusion_build false to use downloaded STAR-Fusion references).
- Upgrade default ensembl version to 102
- Upgrade to nf-core/tools v2.3.2
- Upgrade Arriba v1.2.0 to Arriba v2.2.1
- Upgrade FusionCatcher v1.20 to FusionCatcher v1.33
- Upgrade STAR-fusion v1.8.1 to STAR-fusion v1.10.1
- Upgrade STAR v2.7.1 to STAR v2.7.9
- Upgrade fusion-report v2.1.3 to fusion-report v2.1.5
- Upgrade kallisto v0.44.0 to kallisto v0.46.2
- Upgrade fastqc v0.11.8 to fastqc v0.11.9
- Upgrade samtools v1.9 to samtools v1.15.1
- Upgrade arriba references from v1.2.0 to v2.1.0
- Upgrade fusioncatcher references from v98 to v102
- Use arriba (detect only), kallisto and STAR from nf-core modules
- Instead of separate script to build the references, added --build_references argument in the main --fasta argument is not required with --build_references and set by default to the ensembl references built in the detection workflow
- Ericscript tool
- GRCh37 support. Subdirectory with params.genome are removed
- Running with conda