Schema v1.0.0
This release contains all initial schema development work to populate the dictionary, as well as the following logged changes:
Date | Author | Decision | Rationale |
8/15/2021 | RJA | add genetic reagent manifest (newGeneticReagent) | for testing purposes; may be able to be removed later if components are refined, or redefined using components |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add "list" as validation rule for synonyms | There may be multiple synonyms and the model should allow for lists for the synonym attribute |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add "mutation" as a DependsOn Component for animalModel | "mutation" is an FK in the animalModel table. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add link to the International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice in the strainNomenclature row. | For information and tracking purposes. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Remove "atccId" and "cellosaurusId" from DependsOn for the cellLine table | RRID will be included and should be sufficient. Internally discussed this. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Remove "cellType" from DependsOn for the cellLine table | Overlaps with cellLineCategory. Internally discussed this. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add "mutation" and dependsOn Component for the cellLine table | mutation is an FK of the cellLine table. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete "atccId" and cellosaurusId" as attributes from schema. | Redundant to RRID. Internally discussed this. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add animalModel, cellLine, antibody, reagent, vendorItem to dependsOn Component for the Resource table | animalModel, cellLine, antibody, reagent, vendorItem are FKs in the Resource table. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add donor to dependsOn Component for the antibody table. | Donor is an FK in the anitbody table. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete cellLine and animalModel from dependsOn Component for donor table. | It should be the opposite; animalModel and cellLine dependsOn Component donor |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete cellLine and animalModel from dependsOn Component for mutation table. | It should be the opposite; animalModel and cellLine dependsOn Component mutation. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Put "list" in validation rules for proteinVariation, sequenceVariation, animalModelMutation, and animalMimicMutation. | These attribute will have more than one value. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Put "list" in validation rules for specimenType, specimentTissueType, tumorType, disease, specimenPreparationMethod, and specimenFormat | These attribute will have more than one value. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add "developmentId" as an attribute and DependsOn for development | The development table as a unique identifier in the data model. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete "resourceId," "investigatorId," "publicationId", and "funderId" from dependsOn for development | The dependsOn Component covers this conditional logic. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Change "funderId" attribute to "funder", add "funderId" attribute and add "funderId: to dependsOn for funder. | Seemed to be a mistake, we left out funder but included funderId as the attribute defined as funder. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete "development" as dependsOn Component for funder | Incorrect conditional logic. Development depends on Funder not the other way around. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete "development" as dependsOn Component for investigator | Incorrect conditional logic. Development depends on Investigator not the other way around. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Change investigatorId as TRUE for Required | PK must be required. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add description of investigatorSynapseId | To be consistent and thorough. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add publicationTitle, pmid, and doi as attributes. Add them as dependsOn for publication | Internal disucssions on adding these additional attributes. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete development and resourceApplications as dependsOn Component for publication. | Incorrect conditional logic. Development and resourceApplications depends on publicaiton, not the other way around. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add "catalogNumberUrl" as an attribute and to dependsOn for vendorItem. | Internal disucssions on adding this additional attribute. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete dependsOn Component Resource and add dependsOn Component vendor to vendorItem attribute | Conditional logic incorrect for resource. Resource dependsOn Component vendorItem, not the other way around. Vendor is an FK in vendorItem table, so should be dependsOn Component for vendorItem. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add "vendorId", "vendorUrl", and "vendorName" to dependsOn for vendor attribute | Vendor dependsOn these attributes. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Delete vendorItem as dependsOn Component for vendor | Incorrect conditional logic. vendorItem dependsOn Component vendorItem, not the other way around. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add observationType, reliabilityRating, and easeOfUseRating | observationType, reliabilityRating, and easeOfUseRating were missing from spreadsheet, but are in the data model. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add resource as dependsOn Component for observation attribute | resource FK in observation table. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add reliabilityRating and easeOfUseRating as attributes | Was missing from schema. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add resource and publication as dependsOn Component for resourceApplication | resource and publication are FKs in the resourceApplication table. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add validation rules of "list" to llinks and graphics | May be more than one shareable link or graphic. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add resourceApplicationId as attribute | Missing from schema. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add transplantationDonorId as an attribute | To reference for DependsOn for animalModel table. |
8/17/2021 | BZ | Add all FK (ids) to dependsOn for components that have them listed in their respective tables. | Discussion with Milen says to include in DependsOn. |
8/18/2021 | RJA | Update definitions for easeOfUse and reliabilityRatings | To make clear what these attributes capture. |
8/18/2021 | RJA | Add controlled values for easeOfUse and reliabilityRatings | To set 1-5 range for these values. |
8/18/2021 | BZ | Delete donorType from dependsOn for donor attribute. | Previous discussions with James decided to delete this. |
8/18/2021 | BZ | Add observationSubmitterId as an attribute and DependsOn for observation. | Attribute is part of the data model. |
8/18/2021 | BZ | Set Required for investigatorName to TRUE | Attribute should be required. |
8/18/2021 | BZ | Delete "graphics" attribute. | Out of scope for prototype phase of the project. Users can submit links to graphics in the meantime. |
8/19/2021 | RJA | Released v1.0 | n/a |