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Schema v1.0.0

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@allaway allaway released this 19 Aug 19:01
· 366 commits to main since this release

This release contains all initial schema development work to populate the dictionary, as well as the following logged changes:

Date Author Decision Rationale
8/15/2021 RJA add genetic reagent manifest (newGeneticReagent) for testing purposes; may be able to be removed later if components are refined, or redefined using components
8/17/2021 BZ Add "list" as validation rule for synonyms There may be multiple synonyms and the model should allow for lists for the synonym attribute
8/17/2021 BZ Add "mutation" as a DependsOn Component for animalModel "mutation" is an FK in the animalModel table.
8/17/2021 BZ Add link to the International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice in the strainNomenclature row. For information and tracking purposes.
8/17/2021 BZ Remove "atccId" and "cellosaurusId" from DependsOn for the cellLine table RRID will be included and should be sufficient. Internally discussed this.
8/17/2021 BZ Remove "cellType" from DependsOn for the cellLine table Overlaps with cellLineCategory. Internally discussed this.
8/17/2021 BZ Add "mutation" and dependsOn Component for the cellLine table mutation is an FK of the cellLine table.
8/17/2021 BZ Delete "atccId" and cellosaurusId" as attributes from schema. Redundant to RRID. Internally discussed this.
8/17/2021 BZ Add animalModel, cellLine, antibody, reagent, vendorItem to dependsOn Component for the Resource table animalModel, cellLine, antibody, reagent, vendorItem are FKs in the Resource table.
8/17/2021 BZ Add donor to dependsOn Component for the antibody table. Donor is an FK in the anitbody table.
8/17/2021 BZ Delete cellLine and animalModel from dependsOn Component for donor table. It should be the opposite; animalModel and cellLine dependsOn Component donor
8/17/2021 BZ Delete cellLine and animalModel from dependsOn Component for mutation table. It should be the opposite; animalModel and cellLine dependsOn Component mutation.
8/17/2021 BZ Put "list" in validation rules for proteinVariation, sequenceVariation, animalModelMutation, and animalMimicMutation. These attribute will have more than one value.
8/17/2021 BZ Put "list" in validation rules for specimenType, specimentTissueType, tumorType, disease, specimenPreparationMethod, and specimenFormat These attribute will have more than one value.
8/17/2021 BZ Add "developmentId" as an attribute and DependsOn for development The development table as a unique identifier in the data model.
8/17/2021 BZ Delete "resourceId," "investigatorId," "publicationId", and "funderId" from dependsOn for development The dependsOn Component covers this conditional logic.
8/17/2021 BZ Change "funderId" attribute to "funder", add "funderId" attribute and add "funderId: to dependsOn for funder. Seemed to be a mistake, we left out funder but included funderId as the attribute defined as funder.
8/17/2021 BZ Delete "development" as dependsOn Component for funder Incorrect conditional logic. Development depends on Funder not the other way around.
8/17/2021 BZ Delete "development" as dependsOn Component for investigator Incorrect conditional logic. Development depends on Investigator not the other way around.
8/17/2021 BZ Change investigatorId as TRUE for Required PK must be required.
8/17/2021 BZ Add description of investigatorSynapseId To be consistent and thorough.
8/17/2021 BZ Add publicationTitle, pmid, and doi as attributes. Add them as dependsOn for publication Internal disucssions on adding these additional attributes.
8/17/2021 BZ Delete development and resourceApplications as dependsOn Component for publication. Incorrect conditional logic. Development and resourceApplications depends on publicaiton, not the other way around.
8/17/2021 BZ Add "catalogNumberUrl" as an attribute and to dependsOn for vendorItem. Internal disucssions on adding this additional attribute.
8/17/2021 BZ Delete dependsOn Component Resource and add dependsOn Component vendor to vendorItem attribute Conditional logic incorrect for resource. Resource dependsOn Component vendorItem, not the other way around. Vendor is an FK in vendorItem table, so should be dependsOn Component for vendorItem.
8/17/2021 BZ Add "vendorId", "vendorUrl", and "vendorName" to dependsOn for vendor attribute Vendor dependsOn these attributes.
8/17/2021 BZ Delete vendorItem as dependsOn Component for vendor Incorrect conditional logic. vendorItem dependsOn Component vendorItem, not the other way around.
8/17/2021 BZ Add observationType, reliabilityRating, and easeOfUseRating observationType, reliabilityRating, and easeOfUseRating were missing from spreadsheet, but are in the data model.
8/17/2021 BZ Add resource as dependsOn Component for observation attribute resource FK in observation table.
8/17/2021 BZ Add reliabilityRating and easeOfUseRating as attributes Was missing from schema.
8/17/2021 BZ Add resource and publication as dependsOn Component for resourceApplication resource and publication are FKs in the resourceApplication table.
8/17/2021 BZ Add validation rules of "list" to llinks and graphics May be more than one shareable link or graphic.
8/17/2021 BZ Add resourceApplicationId as attribute Missing from schema.
8/17/2021 BZ Add transplantationDonorId as an attribute To reference for DependsOn for animalModel table.
8/17/2021 BZ Add all FK (ids) to dependsOn for components that have them listed in their respective tables. Discussion with Milen says to include in DependsOn.
8/18/2021 RJA Update definitions for easeOfUse and reliabilityRatings To make clear what these attributes capture.
8/18/2021 RJA Add controlled values for easeOfUse and reliabilityRatings To set 1-5 range for these values.
8/18/2021 BZ Delete donorType from dependsOn for donor attribute. Previous discussions with James decided to delete this.
8/18/2021 BZ Add observationSubmitterId as an attribute and DependsOn for observation. Attribute is part of the data model.
8/18/2021 BZ Set Required for investigatorName to TRUE Attribute should be required.
8/18/2021 BZ Delete "graphics" attribute. Out of scope for prototype phase of the project. Users can submit links to graphics in the meantime.
8/19/2021 RJA Released v1.0 n/a