This is a repository containing the up-to-date lineage definitions for variants of concern (VOC) and variants of interest (VUI) as curated by Public Health England. They are provided in order to facilitate standardised VOC and VUI calling across sequencing sites and bioinformatics pipelines and are the same definitions used internally at Public Health England.
Label | Lineages | Description |
VOC202012/01 | PANGO: B.1.1.7, nextstrain: N501Y.V1 | This variant became widespread in the UK in the Winter of 2021 and is characterised by increased transmissibility. |
VOC202012/02 | PANGO: B.1.351, nextstrain: N501Y.V2 | This variant became widespread in countries in Southern Africa at the end of 2020 and has now been exported to a number of other countries including the UK |
VOC202101/02 | PANGO: P.1 | This variant was first identified in Japan in travellers from Brazil and is associated with Manaus in the Amazonas region assoicated with a severe second wave of COVID-19 |
VOC202102/02 | PANGO: B.1.1.7 | This variant is a cluster of B.1.1.7 (VOC202012/01) that contains E484K and is associated with the Bristol area |
VUI202101/01 | PANGO: P.2 | This variant became widespread in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and imported cases have been reported in a number of other countries including the UK |
VUI202102/01 | PANGO: A.23.1 | This variant is a cluster within clade A.23.1 containing E484K observed in Liverpool |
VUI202102/03 | PANGO: B.1.525 | This variant is a cluster of E484K containing genomes |
VUI202102/04 | PANGO: B.1.1.318 | This variant is a cluster of E484K containing genomes |
Each variant is stored one-per-file in the variant_yaml
directory. Each file should be syntactically correct YAML. The file should be named according to its unique-id
(unique identifer) with the suffix .yml
You can check that files are correct using the
Top-level block | Required | Type | Description |
unique-id | yes | text | A unique identifier for this definition file, should never change. |
phe-label | yes | text | The official Public Health England description for this variant, may change over time (e.g. upgrade VUI to VOC) |
alternate-names | no | list of text | Synonyms for this variant for ease of referencing |
belongs-to-lineage | no | list of dict | Lineage descriptions for commonly used lineage naming schemes e.g. PANGO and nextstrain |
description | yes | text | Description of the variant |
information-sources | no | list of URLs | Useful references (not exhaustive) to official information sources about the discovery and monitoring of this reference |
acknowledgements | no | list of text | Acknowledgements to people or institutions involved in creating this definition |
curaotrs | no | list of text | List of individuals responsible for maintaining this definition file |
variants block | yes | list of dict | List of mutations (SNPs, insertions and deletions) defining this variant |
amino-acid-change | no | text | amino acid change, relative to coordinates of gene, e.g. N501Y |
codon-change | yes | text | codon change encoded as reference codon - alternate codon e.g. "AAT-TAT" |
protein-codon-position | yes | text | codon position for codon-change according to protein annotation (not gene) |
gene | no | text | the gene corresponding to annotations in change and codon-change |
one-based-reference-position | yes | integer | the start position of the mutation, 1 based encoded - all mutations are encoded relatively to SARS-CoV-2 reference genome NC_045512.2 |
reference-base | yes | text | The base or bases (for deletions) in reference corresponding with one-based-reference-position |
predicted-effect | no | text | synonymous, non-synonymous, no-effect (e.g. upstream stop) |
protein | no | text | the mature protein product (used for amino-acid-change, codon-change and protein-codon-position) |
type | yes | text | SNP, MNP, insertion, deletion |
variant-base | yes | text | The mutated base or bases (for insertions) in the variant at one-based-reference-genome, encoded as per VCF |
calling-definition block | no | dict | A set of dictionary labels defining 1 or more calling definitions |
mutations-required | yes | integer | number of mutations (SNPs or MNPs) required to call the mutation |
indels-required | yes | integer | number of insertions or deletions from the variant definition required |
allowed-wildtype | yes | integer | how many wild-type (reference) calls are permitted to satisfy this calling definition |
For further information, help or assistance contact PHE Genomics Cell at [email protected]
- Matt Bull (PHW)
- Meera Chand (PHE)
- Tom Connor (PHW)
- Nick Ellaby (PHE)
- Natalie Groves (PHE)
- Katri Jalava (PHE)
- Nick Loman (University of Birmingham/PHE)
- Richard Myers (PHE)
- Sam Nicholls (University of Birmingham/PHE)
- Ulf Schaefer (PHE)