is a "cacheprog" for Go that uses S3.
(That said, if you do find it's useful and want to take over and do real releases, do feel free to reach out.)
As of writing (Apr 2024), GOCACHEPROG
support requires a custom build of the Go toolchain. As such, we provide a Docker image with both a custom build of the Go toolchain and the gocacheprog-s3
binary baked in.
% docker run --platform=linux/amd64 -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN -e AWS_REGION -e GOCACHEPROG="gocacheprog-s3 -v=2 mycoolbucket" ghcr.io/nfi-hashicorp/gocacheprog-s3:go1.22.2-latest go install github.com/nfi-hashicorp/gocacheprog-s3@latest
disk stats:
413 gets: 0 hits, 413 misses, 0 errors, 0s total dur
901 puts: 0 errors, 0s total dur
s3 stats:
414 gets: 1 hits, 413 misses, 0 errors, 0s total dur; total 0.00 MB; avg 0.00 MB/s
902 puts: 0 errors, 1m17.3s total dur; total 127.59 MB; avg 1.65 MB/s
And then again to see the speed up.
% docker run --platform=linux/amd64 -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN -e AWS_REGION -e GOCACHEPROG="gocacheprog-s3 -v=2 mycoolbucket" ghcr.io/nfi-hashicorp/gocacheprog-s3:go1.22.2-latest go install github.com/nfi-hashicorp/gocacheprog-s3@latest
disk stats:
642 gets: 0 hits, 642 misses, 0 errors, 0s total dur
642 puts: 0 errors, 0s total dur
s3 stats:
643 gets: 642 hits, 1 misses, 0 errors, 34.8s total dur; total 127.53 MB; avg 3.66 MB/s
2 puts: 0 errors, 300ms total dur; total 0.00 MB; avg 0.00 MB/s
% GOCACHEPROG="./gocacheprog-s3 -v=2 -local-cache-dir=go-cache $BUCKET"
% aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$BUCKET/go-cache > /dev/null 2>&1
% rm -rf go-cache
% go build .
disk stats:
413 gets: 0 hits, 413 misses, 0 errors, 0s total dur
893 puts: 0 errors, 0s total dur
s3 stats:
414 gets: 1 hits, 413 misses, 0 errors, 0s total dur; total 0.00 MB; avg 0.00 MB/s
894 puts: 0 errors, 1m18.7s total dur; total 140.99 MB; avg 1.79 MB/s
total time: 1m21s
And then it goes much faster the second time.
% rm -rf go-cache
% go build .
disk stats:
641 gets: 0 hits, 641 misses, 0 errors, 0s total dur
641 puts: 0 errors, 0s total dur
s3 stats:
642 gets: 641 hits, 1 misses, 0 errors, 35.8s total dur; total 140.42 MB; avg 3.92 MB/s
2 puts: 0 errors, 300ms total dur; total 0.00 MB; avg 0.01 MB/s
total time: 12s
Derived from https://github.com/bradfitz/go-tool-cache and or-shachar/go-tool-cache.