This exercise is based on a fictional NHS service website which uses the NHS design system. The design system is based on the research and experience of many NHS digital teams and adheres to accessibility guidelines.
However accessibility issues can be introduced if the design system is misused, misunderstood or not implemented correctly.
This site contains several accessibility issues. The idea is to find as many of them as you can.
Read the testing notes first to get you started on how you can test for accessibility issues.
There is an answers page indicating all the accessibility issue. Please try to go through the site first before looking at the answers!
There is also an answerless version of this site that can be used as a training excercise to prevent users from finding the answers.
This site is built using the NHS.UK prototype kit.
To run it locally:
- clone this repository or download it as a zip
- at a command line, enter the directory and then run
npm install
- run
npm run watch
The site should now be running at http://localhost:3000
If you can't run this site locally, you can view the site here.
This testing site is inspired by the 'Training people to do accessibility reviews' blog article by Beverley Newing at the Ministry of Justice. This site is based on the 'Record a goose sighting' fictional service they created.
Feedback is welcome. Feel free to submit an issue or open a pull request.