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A Universal-JavaScript utility for validating value objects.

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A Universal-JavaScript utility for validating value objects.


npm install --save @nib/schema-validator


Validation is done by representing your javascript objects as a schema or set of nested schemas for more complex objects. Schemas take the following form:

  filters: []
  validators: [],
  empty: {
    default: null
  children: {

###Validators Validators are simple functions that take a single value and should return a boolean if validation has passed for the specified value.

function (value) {
  return value !== 'something';

###Filters Filters are ran before validation and are used to normalise values. eg. Performing .toUpper on values.

function (value) {
  return value.toUpper();

###Defaulting values Values can be defaulted before validation if the value of the property is null, undefined or an empty string. Note: Validation is not run on defaulted values. It is assumed that your defaulted values are valid. Undefined values that do not have a default value result in an error.


const validator = require('@nib/schema/validator');
const validate = require('@nib/validation-methods');

function trim(value) {
  return value.trim();

function stripWhitespace(value) {
  return value.replace(/\s*/g, '');

const schema = {

  firstName: {
    filters: [trim],
    validators: [
      [validate.minlength(5), 'First name must be at least 5 characters']
    empty: {
      default: null

  lastName: {
    filters: [trim],
    validators: [
      [validate.minlength(5), 'Last name must be at least 5 characters']
    empty: {
      default: null

  phoneNumber: {
    filters: [stripWhitespace],
    validators: [
     [validate.maxlength(10), 'Phone number must be no more than 10 digits']
    empty: {
      default: null

  email: {
    filters: [trim],
    validators: [
      [, 'Email must be a valid email address']
    empty: {
      default: null


const values1 = {
  firstName: 'Homer',
  phoneNumber: '02 9999 5555',
  email: 'homer.$#%@!'

validator.validate(schema, values1).then(result => {
  console.log(result.valid);  //false
  console.log(result.values); //{firstName: 'Homer', lastName: null, phoneNumber: '0299995555'}
  console.log(result.errors); //{email: 'Email must be a valid email address'}

const values2 = {
  firstName: 'Homer',
  lastName: 'Simpson',
  email: '[email protected]'

validator.validate(schema, values2).then(result => {
  console.log(result.valid, result.values, result.errors);
  console.log(result.valid);  //true
  console.log(result.values); //{firstName: 'Homer', lastName: 'Simpson, phoneNumber: null, email: ''}
  console.log(result.errors); //{}

Nested objects

You can validate nested objects by adding a children sections to the schema. Child schemas should follow the same schema as the original Schema object.

See example below:

const schema = {
        hospitalProduct: {
          filters: [],
          validators: [
            [validate.required, 'Not an object']
          empty: {
            default: ''
          children: {
            code: {
              filters: [],
              validators: [
                [validate.required, 'Code is a required object']
              empty: {
                default: 'none'
              children: {
                extrasCode: {
                  filters: [],
                  validators: [
                    [validate.maxlength(2), 'extrasCode must be less than 2 chars']
                  empty: {
                    default: ''
                abc: {
                  filters: [],
                  validators: [
                    [validate.maxlength(2), 'abc must be less than 2 chars']
                  empty: {
                    default: ''

const values1 = {
  hospitalProduct: {
    code: {
      extrasCode: '12',
      abc: 'm1'

validator.validate(schema, values1).then(result => {
  console.log(result.valid);  //true
  console.log(result.values); //{hospitalProduct: {code: {extrasCode: '12', abc: 'm1'}}}
  console.log(result.errors); //{}

const values2 = {
  hospitalProduct: {
    code: {
      extrasCode: '12',
      abc: 'toolong'

validator.validate(schema, values2).then(result => {
    console.log(result.valid);  //false
    console.log(result.values); //{hospitalProduct: {code: {extrasCode: '12' }}}
    console.log(result.errors); //{hospitalProduct: {code: {abc: 'abc must be less than 2 chars'}}}

##Note about filters and children Filters and children are currently incompatible with each other. If filters are specified then child schemas will not be evaluated, however any validators for a property that has children will be ran as well as the validations for every nested children.


.validate(schema, values) : Promise

Validate all the fields, even where values are not provided.


A Universal-JavaScript utility for validating value objects.






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