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Ember Form Builder

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Ember Form Builder is an Ember Addon that enables you to assemble forms with labels, validations, hints without repeating yourself. It's strongly inspired by a Rails gem SimpleForm.

  • Ember.js v3.28 or above
  • Ember CLI v3.28 or above
  • Node.js v14 or above


ember install ember-form-builder


<FormBuilder @for={{this}} @action={{this.submit}} as |f|>

  <f.input @attr='title' />
  <f.input @attr='category' @collection={{categories}} />
  <f.input @attr='isPublished' />
  <f.input @attr='publishedOn' @as='date' />
  <f.input @attr='price' @hint='Leave empty if this is a free article' />

  <f.submit />


Built-in inputs

The following inputs types are built into Ember Form Builder:

Type Guessed when HTML form
boolean attribute name begins with is, has or did; underlying model's attribute is a DS.attr("boolean") <input type="checkbox" />
collection a collection attribute is present <select>
date underlying model's attribute is a DS.attr("date") <input type="date" />
email attribute name contains email <input type="email" />
number underlying model's attribute is a DS.attr("number") <input type="number" />
password attribute name contains password <input type="password" />
checkboxes never collection of <input type="radio" /> with labels
string underlying model's attribute is a DS.attr("string") <input type="text" />
text never <textarea>

Extending built-in inputs

You can easily extend any of the above inputs by overriding them and requiring addon's original component. Like this:

// In app/components/inputs/text-input.js
import OriginalTextInput from 'ember-form-builder/components/inputs/text-input';
import { action, set } from '@ember/object';

export default class TextInput extends OriginalTextInput {
  handleChange(e) {
    set(this, 'args.config.value',;

Custom inputs

To provide your own input types simply implement a component named your-type-input and put it into components/inputs folder. Like this:

{{! In app/components/inputs/your-type-input.hbs }}
  {{on 'change' this.handleChange}}

You can then use your input using the as option:

{{f.input 'description' as='your-type'}}


Ember Form Builder will automatically mark inputs as erroneus and display error messages next to them whenever:

  • the input's attribute is invalid and
  • a user has focused out of the input at least once.

Ember Form Builder supports these validation addons:

You can set your choice in the configuration. None of those libraries is required by Ember Form Builder.

Data layer

Ember Form Builder will automatically detect model name and then use it in input name generation and translation lookup.

Ember Form Builder supports these data addons:

You can set your choice in the configuration. None of those libraries is required by Ember Form Builder.


You can easily cusomize labels and other texts by providing values through attributes in your templates but if your app is or might become international you might wish to integrate the forms with an internationalization library. Ember Form Builder supports ember-intl and ember-i18n at the moment, however other solutions might be integrated in the future.

Ember Form Builder automatically detects internationalization addon and tries to guess the translation keys.

use case label hint placeholder submit required
Explicit @label="My attribute" @hint="My hint" @placeholder="My placeholder" @text="My submit" not possible
Custom form translation key: <FormBuilder @translationKey="custom.key" /> Looks up custom.key.attributes.attribute Looks up custom.key.hints.attribute Looks up custom.key.placeholders.attribute Looks up custom.key.actions.submit not possible
Underlying model's name (e.g. article) Looks up article.attributes.attribute Looks up article.hints.attribute Looks up article.actions.submit Looks up article.placeholders.attribute not possible
Default humanizes attribute name empty empty Looks up formBuilder.actions.submit Looks up formBuilder.isRequired
Without ember-intl or ember-i18n humanizes attribute name empty empty "Save" "Required"


Changing input templates and CSS classes

Ember Form Builder uses input wrappers to allow you control the generated HTML and CSS. Input wrapper is a component that receives @inputComponent, @labelComponent and @config arguments.

@inputComponent and @labelComponent are preconfigured component instances, so you can easily render them in any place you need.

@config is a hash containing some predefined keys (inputElementId, name, value, texts, validations, canValidate), as well as all arguments that you pass to the <f.input /> call.

{{! app/components/input-wrappers/my-wrapper.hbs }}
<div class='my-input'>
  <@labelComponent />
  <div class='my-field'>
    <@inputComponent class='my-input-control' />
  {{#if @config.validations.errors}}
    <div class='my-errors'>{{@config.validations.errors}}</div>

Ember Form Builder ships with default and inline wrappers that are compatible with Bootstrap form markup. You can overwrite them or define your own wrappers. Then to select a wrapper for a specific input, just pass its name in the @wrapper attribute:

<FormBuilder @for={{this}} @action={{this.submit}} as |f|>

  <f.input @attr='title' @wrapper='my-wrapper' />
  <f.input @attr='isPublished' @wrapper='inline' />
  <f.submit />



Ember Form Builder can be configured via environment configuration. To override them, specify your values in config/environment.js under formBuilder key (e.g. ENV.formBuilder.validationsAddon = 'ember-cp-validations').

Those are the default values:

  validationsAddon: 'ember-validations', // name of the validations addon. Supported values: "ember-validations" and "ember-cp-validations"
  dataAddon: 'ember-data' // name of the data addon. Supported values: "ember-data" and "ember-orbit"

Test support

Ember Form Builder ships with several test helpers that allow you to easily read and write form data.

In the examples below we use this component:

{{! app/components/my-form }}
<FormBuilder @for={{@model}} @name='person' as |f|>
  <f.input @attr='firstName' />
  <f.input @attr='age' @as='number' />
  {{#each @model.children as |child i|}}
    <f.fields @for={{child}} @name='child' @index={{i}} as |ff|>
      <ff.input @attr='firstName' />

Reading form data

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { readForm } from 'ember-form-builder/test-support';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';

module('Integration | Components | my-form', function(hooks) {

  test('it displays model data', async function(assert) {
    this.model = {
      firstName:  'Jan',
      age:        37,
      children: [
        { firstName: 'Anna' }
    await render(hbs`<MyForm @model={{this.model}} />`);

    // pass a list of attributes to read...
    assert.deepEqual(readForm('person', ['firstName', 'age', 'children.0.firstName']), this.model);

    // ...or just an object (its keys will be converted to paths)
    assert.deepEqual(readForm('person', this.model), this.model);

Filling out forms

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { fillForm, pick } from 'ember-form-builder/test-support';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';

module('Integration | Components | my-form', function(hooks) {

  test('it updates data', async function(assert) {
    this.model = {
      firstName:  'Jan',
      age:        37,
      children: [
        { firstName: 'Anna' }
    await render(hbs`<MyForm @model={{this.model}} />`);

    let newData = {
      firstName:  'Viktor',
      age:        32,
      children: [
        { firstName: 'Joanna' }

    await fillForm('person', newData);

    assert.deepEqual(this.model, newData);

    // if your model includes attributes that should not be compared, use the pick() helper:

    this.model.lastName = 'Larsson';

    assert.deepEqual(pick(this.model, newData), newData);

Reading validation errors

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { fillForm, readErrors } from 'ember-form-builder/test-support';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';

module('Integration | Components | my-form', function(hooks) {

  test('it validates data', async function(assert) {
    this.model = {
      age:  37
    await render(hbs`<MyForm @model={{this.model}} />`);
    await fillForm('person', {
      age:  2

    let errors = {
      age: 'must be greater than or equal to 16'

    assert.deepEqual(readErrors('person', errors), errors);


Please check out the upgrading documentation.


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Licensed under the MIT license