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Chinese Language Trainer

A simple game to learn simplified Mandarin Chinese. It includes visual and audio test questions and a customizable question database file. It includes Chinese symbols, pinyin, and English definitions/descriptions. Output from each question is colorized with green (correct) or red (incorrect) for quick gameplay and scorekeeping.

Contact information:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @nickrusso42518


You must be running Python 3.6 or later. Be sure to install the required packages before starting:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start

Basic usage:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-c] [-p] [-s] [-r RATE] [-n MINLEN] [-x MAXLEN] [-a AUTOTIME] [-i INFILE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --nochin          disable (mask) presentation of chinese symbols
  -p, --nopin           disable (mask) presentation of pinyin symbols
  -s, --nosound         disable sound; no audio narration of phrases
  -r RATE, --rate RATE  adjust rate of speech in words per minute (90 to 300)
  -n MINLEN, --minlen MINLEN
                        minimum length of chinese chars (default 1)
  -x MAXLEN, --maxlen MAXLEN
                        maximum length of chinese chars (default 50)
  -a AUTOTIME, --autotime AUTOTIME
                        auto-play (hands-free) timer in seconds, Ctrl+C to quit
  -i INFILE, --infile INFILE
                        input file in CSV format (chinese,pinyin,english)

Check the inputs/ directory for sample CSV files. Be warned; these are frequently updated.

Advanced Usage

Detailed explanation:

  • -i: Pass in a CSV import file. The file must contain exactly 3 columns: chinese,pinyin,english. You can check the default.csv file for an example of proper formatting. The file may include comments beginning with the # symbolas in Python or YAML. Defaults to default.csv which is my current (and constantly growing) general-purpose list.

  • -a: Enable auto-scroll (hands-free) mode. This disables per-question input and automatically scrolls to the next question after the specified time in seconds. The default of 0 which disables auto-scroll mode. It's good for practing pronunciating and listening rather then translating into English.

  • -n: Specify minimum length of Chinese text. The default and minimum value is 1. Must be less or equal to maximum length.

  • -x: Specify maximum length of Chinese text. The default is 50 but there is no maximum. Must be greater or equal to minimum length.

  • -s: Enable nosound mode. This disables audio narration of the Chinese symbols. Learners must rely entirely on sight. The game will run faster as well. Note that audio narration is only available on MacOS, so Windows and Linux users are always in nosound mode.

  • -c: Enable nochin mode. This prints Chinese symbols with a black foreground and background color. This effectively masks the Chinese symbols; learner relies on sounds and/or pinyin. Using the mouse, you can highlight the Chinese symbols to reveal them if you need a hint; this technique should be used sparingly.

  • -p: Enable nopin mode. This prints pinyin symbols with a black foreground and background color. Same concept as nochin mode.

  • -r: The MacOS say command supports a range of narration rates, depending on the language spoken. The slowest (easiest) is 90 words per minute, the fastest (hardest) is 300, and the default (most natural) is 180.

Example usages of minor options:

$ python
$ python -i inputs/tp.csv
$ python -c
$ python -c -i inputs/tp.csv
$ python -p -r 120
$ python -c -r 120 -i inputs/tp.csv
$ python -r 120
$ python -s
$ python -s -i inputs/tp.csv

Invalid usages:

  • $ python -c -p -s: Combination is never valid. Users have no visual or audible cues for learning, so this is useless. Program exits with return code 2 and an informative error message.
  • $ python -n 3 -x 2: Minimum length is greater than maximum length, which doesn't make sense. Returns code 2 with error message.
  • $ python -i inputs/nonexist.csv: If a nonexistent or corrupt file is supplied, the program exits with return code 3 and the corresponding FileNotFoundError or OSError message.
  • $ python -s: Technically accepted on any platform, but -s has no effect on non-MacOS systems (Windows, Linux, etc.)
  • $ python -c -p: Technically accepted on any platform, but -c -p has no effect on non-MacOS systems (Windows, Linux, etc.)

The no_commit/ directory is ignored by git and can be used to store temporary CSV files. I use these to create private, personalized quizzes on my weak areas.

Non-colorized gameplay with comments in {curly braces}:

$ python
  Provide the english meaning for the chinese/pinyin phrase shown.
  Press ENTER by itself (no input) to reprint/restate the phrase.
  Enter a comma (,) character to skip/forfeit a question.
  Enter a question mark (?) character to consult the dictionary.
  Enter a period (.) character to quit gracefully.

1/796:    有点儿    (you3:2 dia3 r)
english meaning: a bit
correct english: a bit of intensity (before adj & northern)   {GREEN TEXT}
[success# = 1, success% = 100]

2/796:    瓶子    (ping2 zi)
english meaning: bottle
correct english: bottle (noun)   {GREEN TEXT}
[success# = 2, success% = 100]

3/796:    报    (bao4)
english meaning: wrong on purpose
correct english: announce/inform/report   {RED TEXT}
[success# = 2, success% = 66]

4/796:    员    (yuan2)
english meaning: ?

員   (yuan2)
  1. person
  2. employee
  3. member

correct english: employee/member   {RED TEXT}
[success# = 2   success% = 50]

5/796:    二    (er4)
english meaning: ,
correct english: 2/two   {RED TEXT}
[success# = 2   success% = 40]

6/796:    住    (zhu4)
english meaning: .




This code is somewhat generic and could apply to other foreign languages, too. However, it isn't fully modularized and contains many hardcoded features specific to Chinese languages. Feel free to fork and modify, but I make no guarantees to functionality or ease of use for other languages. I haven't tested/tried any of it.

You can customize the CI test runs in the test_stdin/ directory by modifying the sequential input files. Follow the general format described in Makefile and .travis.yml for easier integration.


A GNU Makefile with phony targets is used for testing this codebase. There are currently three steps:

  • lint: Runs black, pylint, and bandit, in that order. This reveals any syntax, styling, or security errors with the source code.
  • run: Runs the program using various input options and files. The default input files should have no failures. Some true negative cases are evaluated as well.
  • neg: Runs the program using invalid input options and files. These are deliberate true negative cases.
  • clean: Finds and removes all *.pyc files.

You can run make or make all to run all the testing in series when doing manual regression testing from the shell. As mentioned earlier in the README, this is a good idea after first cloning/forking the repository.


I am actively learning Mandarin Chinese and consider myself a novice. This program helps me study. I often discover errors in my CSV files (which I promptly correct), so these files should not be viewed as authoritative databases. You can check out the Python chinese package or perhaps a professionally published Chinese dictionary to get the "right" information.


Chinese Language Trainer







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