A Node Package to retrieve an array of favicons and apple-touch-icon images sorting them into ascending or descending size order.
Example Use:
const webIconScraper = require('web-icon-scraper');
url: 'https://github.com',
sort: 'des',
limit: 1,
checkStatus: false,
followRedirectsCount: 0
}).then(output => {
// example output:
type: 'favicon',
size: 20,
link: 'https://github.githubassets.com/favicon.ico'
url: 'url' as String (required)
sort: 'asc' or 'des' (descending or ascending in icon size)
limit: limit icons as Integer.
checkStatus: When true it checks the status code of each icon, returns all of status code 200.
followRedirectsCount: Limit the number of redirects, defaults to 0.
from the /test directory run, yarn test
Please get in touch to share ideas or collaborate with me on this library.
- Refine the code to improve performance
- Add Typscript