Port of STM32WLxx example for RAK3172
UPDATE 9 May 2023: the FW1.3 branch is the result of letting STM32CubeIDE update to FW V1.3. It hasn't been tested yet but initial review suggests it'll work fine. If you test this before I do, please let me know I'll merge it to master.
Quick update to V1.2 of ST firmware package; unit tested as a Class C mote
Update 14 July 2022: Reviewed merge of V1.2 ST FW and found a number of issues, mostly in the lora_app.c merge. I think I've fixed battery level reporting. Cleaned-up LED control code (though LEDs don't have a clear functionality, this could use some more app-specific attention). Added implementation of v1.0.4. Moved GPIO initialization to match ST LoRa_End_Node example. Unit-tested in Class C and Class A. Changed some defaults in the IOC file (use ST-provided EUI, v1.0.4, Class A, debugger disabled). I'm happy to merge PRs with different defaults when there's enough user request.
As usual, this is provided with zero warranty for usefulness or reliability.