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Personal Portfolio Hub - React Typescript


This is a personal portfolio hub web application built using React, Typescript, and Vite. This personal portfolio hub is a showcase of my work, skills, and experiences.


To get started, clone this repository and install the required packages using yarn install.

git clone [repository-url]
cd [repository-directory]
yarn install


After installing the packages, run the development server using yarn dev to start the application.

yarn dev


  • Home: The homepage serves as a hub for different apps in the portfolio, making it easy for users to navigate and access various sections.

  • Navigation Bar: Beautiful dynamic navigation bar

  • Error Handling: The application includes error handling, showing a popup with a message when a user visits an invalid URL.

VS Code Setup

To work efficiently with this template, follow these steps in VS Code:

  1. Install the ESLint and Prettier extensions for VS Code.
  2. Make sure both extensions are enabled.
  3. Ensure that all packages are installed (mostly ESLint and Prettier in node_modules).
  4. Enable formatOnSave in VS Code settings.
  5. Open a .tsx file and check if the bottom right corners of VS Code show ESLint and Prettier with a double tick.

Main Libs

Vite, React, Typescript, Eslint, Prettier.