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Performs the automatic installation of BetterDiscord after each Discord updates.


Supported OS:

  • Windows


  1. Download BetterDiscordAutoUpdate.exe from the latest release page.
  2. Double-click to open BetterDiscordAutoUpdate.exe (A terminal should open).
  3. If the execution went well, you're done.
  4. Now BetterDiscord will install automatically after each Discord update.

How it works

BetterDiscordAutoUpdate.exe is a .exe file for Windows that renames the original Update.exe to Update.moved.exe and self-copies into the Discord folder as Update.exe to catch all executions of that file and perform checks and actions to keep BetterDiscord installed.

Removing Auto Update:

  1. Go to your Discord folder at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Discord.
  2. Delete Update.exe.
  3. Rename Update.moved.exe to Update.exe.
  4. Done.

Installation for PTB or Canary

The BetterDiscordAutoUpdate.exe should be run in a terminal by adding a launch argument:


.\BetterDiscordAutoUpdate.exe ptb


.\BetterDiscordAutoUpdate.exe canary


BetterDiscordAutoUpdate has been written in C++17 using Visual Studio Community with the Desktop development with C++ workload.