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The Autopilot-list project is a small application with the goal of displaying a lit of people. The list of people needs to be loaded via a button on the main page. Loading initially 20 people, the user can see more of them by scrolling to the bottom of the list. The user can also highlight row by hovering them with the mouse.

To run the application

After being downloaded, open a terminal and go into the root folder of the app, then run these commands:

  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • serve -s build

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

npm run build

Then run serve -s build Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

Project information

Folder configuration

The project has all the source code under the src folder.

  • index.js is the entry point where React bootstrap the application
  • assets maintain the list of images and mock data used in the application
  • components regroup the components used in the application. Meant to be reusable, they should have a named folder for each of them, including a test folder if applicable
  • redux hold the files related to the redux state management library. To be more scalable if we have to add lots of reducers and actions, I separated these under a single folder representing the business terminology. (Eg. People: All the reducers, thunks and actions related to the people data will be here)

State management

Redux was the library chosen to handle the state of the app. Redux is a library of renown in the domain, is well tested and well maintained. It also got a huge community and a lot of resources. The last versions also includes hooks for react which makes it even easier for the integration. The redux implementation in autopilot-list follow certain rules under the redux folder As reducers functions are written as pure functions, each of them is tested entirely. I also used redux-thunk in the app to simplify the call process when dealing with async calls.

More infos here: and


The project use a css-in-js library called styled-components. This is a library usefull to create reusable styled components, based on a theme. Due to the small project that is autopilot-list, no theme was created yet.


The tests libraries used are jest and enzyme

  • All the pure functions (Eg. utility functions) must be fully tested
  • Components with some view logic should have a snapshot representing few if not all the states of the component.

More infos on : And :

Other libraries

  • react-intersection-observer was used to detect when the user reach the end of the list. This is the react library over the new Intersection Observer API. When this happens, a callback is fired, letting the application to call the next page of people.
  • prop-types is used across the app to give some structure on the attributes given to the components. It also will help maintain the readability of the app later on. It also helps the newcomers with the components APIs.
  • eslint and prettier are used to maintain a clean code across the app. By enforcing rules and code style, it's easier to read the code and understand it.


SPA made with react/redux/styled-components






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