Repository for my personal blog, powered by Jekyll and hosted as Github Pages website.
You will find different posts about my Udacity DataScientist nanodegree:
- Things You Should Know Before Visiting Paris: explore AirBnb data related to the city of Paris and thus discover what we can extract from it and to what extent we can train algorithms to learn from these data
- Keep your customers by your side: explore data from a fictional digital music service company named Sparkify, use Spark and build algorithms that will help them to detect user churn
And also personal explorations and achievements:
- Solving Sudoku puzzles with Genetic Algorithm: how to solve sudoku puzzles with genetic algorithms
- Building a powerful Batman detector with Tensorflow Object Detection API: train a custom object detector with Tensorflow Object Detection API and our own dataset on Google Colab in order to detect Batman face and symbol
- Building a candy dispenser with AI, Raspberry Pi and Lego bricks: Computer Vision and IoT. Embedded AI (Face Detection and Face Emotion Recognition) on Raspberry Pi and Lego bricks to build a custom candy dispenser!
It is using this free theme called Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme. Thanks to Michael Rose.