Easy dependency injection for all, works with Python 3.8-3.12. Main features and advantages:
- support Python 3.8-3.12;
- works with FastAPI, Litestar, Flask and Django REST Framework;
- support dependency injection via
; - the code is fully typed and checked with mypy;
- no third-party dependencies;
- support async injections;
- no wiring;
- the life cycle of objects (scope) is implemented by providers;
- overriding dependencies for testing;
- 100% code coverage;
- good documentation;
- intuitive and almost identical api with dependency-injector, which will allow you to easily migrate to injection (see migration from dependency injector);
pip install deps-injection
Framework | Dependency injection with @inject | Overriding providers | Dependency injection with @autoinject |
FastAPI | ✅ | ✅ | ➖ |
Flask | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Django REST Framework | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Litestar | ✅ | ✅ | ➖ |
from typing import Annotated
from unittest.mock import Mock
import pytest
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, FastAPI
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from injection import DeclarativeContainer, Provide, inject, providers
class Settings:
redis_url: str = "redis://localhost"
redis_port: int = 6379
class Redis:
def __init__(self, *, url: str, port: int):
self.uri = url + ":" + str(port)
self.url = url
self.port = port
def get(self, key):
return key
class Container(DeclarativeContainer):
settings = providers.Singleton(Settings)
redis = providers.Singleton(
router = APIRouter(prefix="/api")
def create_app():
app = FastAPI()
return app
RedisDependency = Annotated[Redis, Depends(Provide[Container.redis])]
def some_get_endpoint_handler(redis: RedisDependency):
value = redis.get(299)
return {"detail": value}
def app():
return create_app()
def container():
return Container.instance()
def test_client(app):
client = TestClient(app)
return client
def test_override_providers(test_client, container):
def mock_get_method(_):
return "mock_get_method"
mock_redis = Mock()
mock_redis.get = mock_get_method
providers_to_override = {"redis": mock_redis}
with container.override_providers(providers_to_override):
response = test_client.get("/api/values")
assert response.status_code == 200
body = response.json()
assert body["detail"] == "mock_get_method"