The test dashboard is part of the Sparc Portal and is meant to compare various vagus nerve images. This is v1. Will be migrated and renamed.
"sparc-dashboard-beta": "^0.4.3",
View the storybook of working components here
Dev version here
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- Run
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- Reload the VSCode window by running
Developer: Reload Window
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See Vite Configuration Reference.
Yarn install
Yarn run dev
Yarn run build
Lint with ESLint
Yarn run lint
If you are installing this project as a node module npm dependency you need the following installed in your project. Vue(^3.5.11)
yarn add vue
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { createPinia } from 'pinia';
import { installDashboard } from 'sparc-dashboard-plugin';
import App from './App.vue';
const app = createApp(App);
const pinia = createPinia();
//add the components you want to be included in your dashboard
const componentMap = [
installDashboard(app, componentMap, pinia);
In your vue app.vue or component.vue
<SparcDashboard />
//using this naming convention [componenentName]-n, you can customize the dashboard for it's initial load.
//dbItems is required. If you want the dashboard to be blank, send it an empty array
const dBItems = [
{ id: "FlatmapViewer-1", x: 0, y: 0, h: 8, w:2, componentName:"Flatmap Viewer",component:"FlatmapViewer" },
{ id: "ImageSelector-2", x: 2, y: 0, h: 8, w:3, componentName:"Image Selector", component:"ImageSelector"},
{ id: "BiolucidaViewer-3", x: 5, y: 0,h: 11, w:7, componentName:"MBF Viewer", component:"BiolucidaViewer"},
{ id: "ODBGraph-4", x: 0, y: 8, h: 3, w:5, componentName:"Flatmap Viewer",component:"QDBGraph" }
- adding custom component to dashboard
Custom component that can be added within the dashboard and has the capabilities to interact with other components.
Clone the github repo and navigate to src/components/SampleComponent.vue
Expose Your Custom Component to the Dashboard:
- Add component tag name to the main.ts document src/main.ts or src/main.js
const componentMap = [
Using the component “SampleComponent”, It would look something like this:
const componentMap = [
- component name should align with file name. SampleComponent.vue should be renamed and then that new name should be added in main.ts
This is your default template. Customize however you like with html and vue 3 markup. Do not delete the header which is added via the tag
<!-- slot is for header & user can add icons using childIcons-->
<slot :widgetName="widgetName" :childIcons="childIcons"></slot>
<div ref="instance">
<div class="sample-component">this is a sample component
<p>more of the component goes here</p>
This line in your setup script allows you to set the header to your widget name. It does not have to match to file name.
const widgetName = ref('New Custom Component!');//replace with component name you want shown
This is where your default header is set. Do not delete or change the variable name
<slot :widgetName="widgetName"></slot>
you can also set the name in your dBItems object.
{ id: "FlatmapViewer-1", x: 0, y: 0, h: 8, w:2, componentName:"Flatmap Viewer",component:"FlatmapViewer" },
//componentName will override the default name set from inside the component.
There are default icons on the header. A download one and a close icon (when in edit mode). You can add a custom icon to your widget's header and send it a function.
Here we are adding a graph icon that when clicked will alert the user. js
const childIcons=shallowRef([{"comp":GraphIcon,"event":testIcon}]);
function testIcon(){alert("test icon function")};
<slot :widgetName="widgetName" :childIcons="childIcons"></slot>
A more practical case will be to open a settings window. Simply have a function that sets your settings visibility to true. See QDBGraph and it's QDBGraphSettings for a working example.
These are passed down to the your component (SampleComponent) from its wrapper via the props value
//properties are passed to your component through Props:{} object. See your specific component's docs for what properties they have.
const dBItems = [
{id: "TextWidget-1", x: 0, y: 0, h: 1, w:4, componentName:"Text",component:"TextWidget",Props:{displayText:"Dastaset Overview",hideHeader:true}}
add your emits to your global pinia instance
import {useGlobalVarsStore} from "../stores/globalVars"
const GlobalVars = useGlobalVarsStore();
Building a custom emit/event tdb
- call function when widget has selected an image Example for use:
const selectedImage = new SparcImageObject(data, packageId);
//data variable is returned from the QDB
- watch for selected image to update and do something.
watch(() => GlobalVars.SELECTED_IMAGE, (newVal, oldVal) => {
///do something
Here is an example of the SampleComponent.vue file as of 7/17/2024. See github for latest versions
<!-- slot is for header & user can add icons using childIcons-->
<slot :widgetName="widgetName" :childIcons="childIcons"></slot>
<div ref="instance">
<div class="sample-component">this is a sample component
<p>more of the component goes here</p>
<!-- all markup -->
<script setup>
import { ref, defineEmits, inject, watch, onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue';
import GraphIcon from './icons/GraphIcon.vue';
//this is included so that your component does not inherit props or attributes that you do not explicitly declare
inheritAttrs: false
const widgetName = ref('New Custom Component!');//replace with component name you want shown
//add icon to header. must import your icon as shown above ex: import GraphIcon from './icons/GraphIcon.vue'
//this is optional and can be deleted
const childIcons=shallowRef([{"comp":GraphIcon,"event":testIcon}]);
function testIcon(){alert("test icon function")};
<style scoped lang="scss">
//import SPARC styles if you want to have access to them.
@import './node_modules/sparc-design-system-components-2/src/assets/_variables.scss';
//example of class styles
border: solid purple 1px;
background-color: lightgray;