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Added general-purpose window property functions
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I believe these are the underlying read/write routines used by
all the other get/set struct functions.  This should allow access
to all the properties that the library doesn't have specific
support for yet.
  • Loading branch information
nrdvana committed May 2, 2017
1 parent 5f6a4f7 commit cf766e0
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Showing 4 changed files with 177 additions and 8 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions PerlXlib_constants
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ const_input
i RevertToPointerRoot
i RevertToNone
i Success
i BadAccess
i BadAlloc
i BadAtom
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +125,10 @@ const_cmap
i AllocAll
i AllocNone
i AnyPropertyType
i PropModeReplace
i PropModeAppend
i PropModePrepend
i Above
i Below
i BottomIf
Expand Down
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions Xlib.xs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -687,6 +687,7 @@ XGetGeometry(dpy, wnd, root_out=NULL, x_out=NULL, y_out=NULL, width_out=NULL, he
/* perl-style API */
else if (ret) {
Expand All @@ -696,6 +697,96 @@ XGetGeometry(dpy, wnd, root_out=NULL, x_out=NULL, y_out=NULL, width_out=NULL, he

XListProperties(dpy, wnd)
Display *dpy
Window wnd
int num_props= 0, i;
AV *prop_av;
Atom *atom_array;
atom_array= XListProperties(dpy, wnd, &num_props);
if (atom_array) {
EXTEND(SP, num_props);
for (i= 0; i < num_props; i++)

XGetWindowProperty(dpy, wnd, prop_atom, long_offset, long_length, delete, req_type, actual_type_out, actual_format_out, nitems_out, bytes_after_out, data_out)
Display *dpy
Window wnd
Atom prop_atom
long long_offset
long long_length
Bool delete
Atom req_type
SV *actual_type_out
SV *actual_format_out
SV *nitems_out
SV *bytes_after_out
SV *data_out
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long nitems, bytes_after;
char *data= NULL;
RETVAL = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, wnd, prop_atom, long_offset, long_length, delete, req_type,
&actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytes_after, (unsigned char**)&data);
if (RETVAL == Success) {
if (actual_format == 8) {
sv_setpvn(data_out, data, nitems);
} else if (actual_format == 16) {
sv_setpvn(data_out, data, nitems*2);
} else if (actual_format == 32) {
sv_setpvn(data_out, data, nitems*4);
} else {
croak("Un-handled 'actual_format' value %d returned by XGetWindowProperty", actual_format);
sv_setuv(actual_type_out, actual_type);
sv_setiv(actual_format_out, actual_format);
sv_setiv(nitems_out, nitems);
sv_setiv(bytes_after_out, bytes_after);

XChangeProperty(dpy, wnd, prop_atom, type, format, mode, data, nelements)
Display *dpy
Window wnd
Atom prop_atom
Atom type
int format
int mode
SV *data
int nelements
int bytelen= format == 8? nelements
: format == 16? nelements * 2
: format == 32? nelements * 4
: -1;
size_t svlen;
char *buffer;
if (bytelen < 0)
croak("Un-handled 'format' value %d passed to XChangeProperty", format);
buffer= SvPV(data, svlen);
if (bytelen > svlen)
croak("'nelements' (%d) exceeds length of data (%d)", nelements, svlen);
XChangeProperty(dpy, wnd, prop_atom, type, format, mode, buffer, nelements);

XDeleteProperty(dpy, wnd, prop_atom)
Display *dpy
Window wnd
Atom prop_atom

XGetWMSizeHints(dpy, wnd, hints_out, supplied_out, property)
Display * dpy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4555,6 +4646,7 @@ BOOT:
newCONSTSUB(stash, "RevertToParent", newSViv(RevertToParent));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "RevertToPointerRoot", newSViv(RevertToPointerRoot));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "RevertToNone", newSViv(RevertToNone));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "Success", newSViv(Success));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "BadAccess", newSViv(BadAccess));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "BadAlloc", newSViv(BadAlloc));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "BadAtom", newSViv(BadAtom));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4584,6 +4676,10 @@ BOOT:
newCONSTSUB(stash, "VisualAllMask", newSViv(VisualAllMask));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "AllocAll", newSViv(AllocAll));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "AllocNone", newSViv(AllocNone));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "AnyPropertyType", newSViv(AnyPropertyType));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "PropModeReplace", newSViv(PropModeReplace));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "PropModeAppend", newSViv(PropModeAppend));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "PropModePrepend", newSViv(PropModePrepend));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "Above", newSViv(Above));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "Below", newSViv(Below));
newCONSTSUB(stash, "BottomIf", newSViv(BottomIf));
Expand Down
67 changes: 60 additions & 7 deletions lib/X11/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ my %_constants= (
const_cmap => [qw( AllocAll AllocNone )],
const_error => [qw( BadAccess BadAlloc BadAtom BadColor BadCursor BadDrawable
BadFont BadGC BadIDChoice BadImplementation BadLength BadMatch BadName
BadPixmap BadRequest BadValue BadWindow )],
BadPixmap BadRequest BadValue BadWindow Success )],
const_event => [qw( ButtonPress ButtonRelease CirculateNotify ClientMessage
ColormapNotify ConfigureNotify CreateNotify DestroyNotify EnterNotify
Expose FocusIn FocusOut GraphicsExpose GravityNotify KeyPress KeyRelease
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,9 +52,10 @@ my %_constants= (
const_visual => [qw( VisualAllMask VisualBitsPerRGBMask VisualBlueMaskMask
VisualClassMask VisualColormapSizeMask VisualDepthMask VisualGreenMaskMask
VisualIDMask VisualRedMaskMask VisualScreenMask )],
const_win => [qw( Above Below BottomIf CenterGravity CopyFromParent
EastGravity ForgetGravity InputOnly InputOutput LowerHighest
NorthEastGravity NorthGravity NorthWestGravity Opposite RaiseLowest
const_win => [qw( Above AnyPropertyType Below BottomIf CenterGravity
CopyFromParent EastGravity ForgetGravity InputOnly InputOutput
LowerHighest NorthEastGravity NorthGravity NorthWestGravity Opposite
PropModeAppend PropModePrepend PropModeReplace RaiseLowest
SouthEastGravity SouthGravity SouthWestGravity StaticGravity TopIf
UnmapGravity WestGravity )],
const_winattr => [qw( CWBackPixel CWBackPixmap CWBackingPixel CWBackingPlanes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,9 +92,10 @@ my %_functions= (
fn_thread => [qw( XInitThreads XLockDisplay XUnlockDisplay )],
fn_vis => [qw( XCreateColormap XFreeColormap XGetVisualInfo XMatchVisualInfo
XVisualIDFromVisual )],
fn_win => [qw( XChangeWindowAttributes XCirculateSubwindows XConfigureWindow
XCreateSimpleWindow XCreateWindow XDefineCursor XDestroyWindow
XGetGeometry XGetWMNormalHints XGetWMSizeHints XGetWindowAttributes
fn_win => [qw( XChangeProperty XChangeWindowAttributes XCirculateSubwindows
XConfigureWindow XCreateSimpleWindow XCreateWindow XDefineCursor
XDeleteProperty XDestroyWindow XGetGeometry XGetWMNormalHints
XGetWMSizeHints XGetWindowAttributes XGetWindowProperty XListProperties
XLowerWindow XMapWindow XMoveResizeWindow XMoveWindow XQueryTree
XRaiseWindow XReparentWindow XResizeWindow XRestackWindows
XSetWMNormalHints XSetWMSizeHints XSetWindowBackground
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -922,6 +924,57 @@ front (C<direction == RaiseLowest>), or the front-most to the back
Reset the stacking order of the specified windows, from front to back.
=head3 XListProperties
my @prop_atoms= XListProperties($display, $window);
print "Window has these properties: ".join(", ", @{ XGetAtomNames($display, \@prop_atoms, 1) });
Returns an arrayref of all defined properties on the specified window.
=head3 XGetWindowProperty
my $success= XGetWindowProperty($display, $wnd, $prop_atom, $offset, $length, $delete, $req_type,
my $actual_type, my $actual_format, my $nitems, my $bytes_after, my $data);
Welcome to the wonderful world of X11 Window Properties! You pick the
property using C<$prop_atom> (see L</XInternAtom>) and then request some range
of the bytes that compose it (using C<$offset>*4 and C<$length>*4, which are
a count of 4-byte units, not bytes) request to delete it with C<$delete>,
request the resource be given to you as C<$req_type> (also an Atom), and then
receive all the actual values in the last 5 variables.
C<$actual_format> is either 8, 16, or 32 indicating the multiplier for
C<$nitems>. But you can just check C<length($data)> to save time.
The details are complicated enough you should go read the X11 docs, but a quick
example is:
my $netwmname= XInternAtom($display, "_NET_WM_NAME");
my $type_utf8= XInternAtom($display, "UTF8_STRING");
if (XGetWindowProperty($display, $wnd, $netwmname, 0, 32, 0, $type_utf8,
my $actual_type, my $actual_format, my $n, my $remaining, my $data)
) {
say $data; # should check $actual_type, but it's probably readable text.
say "window title was longer than 128 bytes" if $remaining > 0;
=head3 XChangeProperty
XChangeProperty($display, $wnd, $prop_atom, $type_atom, $format, $mode, $data, $nitems);
C<$prop_atom> determines what property is being written. C<$type_atom>
declares the logical type of the data. C<$format> is 8, 16, or 32 to determine
the word size of the data (used by X server for endian swapping). C<$mode> is
one of: C<PropModeReplace>, C<PropModePrepend>, C<PropModeAppend>. C<$data>
is a scalar that must be at least as long as C<$nitems> * C<$format> bits.
=head3 XDeleteProperty
XDeleteProperty($display, $window, $prop_atom);
Deletes the property from the window if it exists. No error is raised if it
doesn't exist.
=head3 XGetWMNormalHints
my ($hints_out, $supplied_fields_out);
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion t/42-window.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use X11::Xlib qw( :fn_win :const_win :const_winattr :const_sizehint RootWindow XSync None );
use X11::Xlib qw( :fn_win :const_win :const_winattr :const_sizehint RootWindow XSync None Success );

plan skip_all => "No X11 Server available"
unless $ENV{DISPLAY};
Expand All @@ -20,6 +20,21 @@ is( err{ $win_id= XCreateWindow(@args) }, '', 'CreateWindow' )
or diag explain \@args;
ok( $win_id > 0, 'got window id' );

my $netwmname= $dpy->XInternAtom("_NET_WM_NAME", 0);
my $type_utf8= $dpy->XInternAtom("UTF8_STRING", 0);
is_deeply( [ XListProperties($dpy, $win_id) ], [], 'no window properties yet' );
XChangeProperty($dpy, $win_id, $netwmname, $type_utf8, 8, PropModeReplace, "Hello World", 11);
is_deeply( [ XListProperties($dpy, $win_id) ], [ $netwmname ], 'window has title property' );
ok( Success == XGetWindowProperty($dpy, $win_id, $netwmname, 0, 32, 0, $type_utf8,
my $actual_type, my $actual_format, my $n, my $remaining, my $data), 'XGetWindowProperty' );
is( $actual_type, $type_utf8, 'correct type' );
is( $actual_format, 8, 'correct format' );
is( $n, 11, '11 bytes' );
is( $remaining, 0, 'no missing bytes' );
is( $data, 'Hello World', 'correct string' );
XDeleteProperty($dpy, $win_id, $netwmname);
is_deeply( [ XListProperties($dpy, $win_id) ], [], 'no window properties yet' );

is( err{ XMapWindow($dpy, $win_id); }, '', 'XMapWindow' );

Expand Down

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