Amazon Fine Food Review, Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning technique KNN.
About Database- All data in one sqlite database. 568,454 food reviews Amazon users left up to October 2012 Overview- 1) In this project, we have 568k * 10 size dataset. i.e. 568k rows and 10 columns(features) 2) In this dataset, we have 10 features which are as follows- i) Id-Row Id ii) ProductId- Unique identifier for the product iii) UserId- Unqiue identifier for the user iv) ProfileName- Profile name of the user v) HelpfulnessNumerator- Number of users who found the review helpful vi) HelpfulnessDenominator- Number of users who indicated whether they found the review helpful or not vii) Score- Rating between 1 and 5 viii) Time- Timestamp for the review ix) Summary- Brief summary of the review x) Text- Text of the review
Our objective of this project is to predict whether given new review is positive or negative.