Personal dotfiles setup
Most of the dotfiles are copied from their original authors and modified to my liking. Credit is given in files where applicable. All credit to the original authors :)
Window manager: i3-gaps
shell: bash
terminal: xfce4-terminal
bar: polybar
launcher: rofi
notifications: dunst
extras: picom, sublime, themes and icons in gtk/
My setup builds from Manjaro i3, which apperantly comes bundled with gap support now. However, the dotfiles should work fine with any i3-gaps setup as long as the dependencies are installed.
Dependencies that I know of:
- picom
- polybar
- rofi
- sublime-text (optional)
- fontawesome
- dunst
- xfce4-terminal
- feh
- betterlockscreen
- cron (to delete old configs)
- (Optional) Nifty post-install Manjaro commands
This will update your download mirrors and then update the list from primary mirrors as well as updating all packages
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack && sudo pacman -Syyu
This will install power management tools for optimized battery life. Also time management
sudo pacman -S tlp ntp systemctl enable tlp sudo timedatectl set-ntp true
Install the dependencies available in pacman
sudo pacman -S git compton cron polybar rofi dunst ttf-font-awesome-4 feh bash-completion adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
Install dependencies available in AUR
pamac build sublime-text-dev xfce4-terminal-git betterlockscreen slack-desktop powerline-fonts-git ttf-font-awesome
git clone ~/repositories/dotfiles
cd ~/repositories/dotfiles
chmod +x
sh <red/blue> . Example:
sh blue highdpi
Lock once to set and cache the lockscreen background
betterlockscreen -u "$HOME/Pictures/lockscreen.jpg" -l
(optional) Cleanup old backup files that are created: sh clean