Webcam shooter is a simple shooter video game with the goal of shooting barrels. Once the user is successfully connected they can aim with his webcam and shoot the barrels.
WebcamShooter consists of two applications. A server-side and client-side application. Server-side application is written in Unity, while client-side application (WebcamShooter) uses Java and OpenCV 3 library. Goal of this bachelor thesis was to use existing solution to implement video game controller. Bachelor thesis with abstract in English can be found in the "Bachelor" folder.
- It is necessary to build both Unity and Java applications first.
- Two computers (one for Unity and one for Java application) need to be connected via LAN cable and have connection established.
- Unity and Java applications can now be started on their computers.
- Establish connection by clicking on "Connect" button in Java application.
- User can now aim with their webcam. Once the user correctly aims at the Unity application, rectangle will be drawn on the screen. User shoots by pressing the left mouse button anywhere on the camera panel of the Java application.
- How to install OpenCV for Java:
- OpenCV releases: