This guide outlines the steps to create a pull request (PR) in our project. Following this guide ensures a smooth review process and helps maintain the quality of our codebase.
- Fork the Repository
Click the Fork button to create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.
Clone the forked repository to your local machine:
git clone [](
Navigate to the project directory:
cd repository-name
Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
Implement your changes in the local repository.
Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding standards.
Run existing tests and write new tests if applicable.
Ensure all tests pass before proceeding.
Add your changes to the staging area:
git add .
Commit your changes with a descriptive message:
git commit -m "Add detailed description of the changes made"
Push your changes to your forked repository:
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
Navigate to the original project repository on GitHub.
Click on the Pull Requests tab.
Click the New Pull Request button.
Select the branch you pushed your changes to and compare it with the base branch of the original repository.
Provide a clear and concise title and description for the pull request.
Click the Create Pull Request button.
Use a descriptive title that summarizes the changes made.
Provide a detailed description of the changes made.
Mention any related issues using the format Closes #issue-number.
Once the pull request is created, it will be reviewed by one or more project maintainers.
Address any feedback provided by the reviewers.