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Account Management API

Sören Schwert edited this page May 22, 2019 · 2 revisions

Note: The following methods on the Hub API are not yet accessible by 3rd-party apps, only from the Nimiq Safe!

These methods are documented here for completeness and for developer experimentation with their own Hub servers.


The signup() method creates a new account in the Hub. The user will choose an Identicon and optionally set a password.

const requestOptions = {
    // The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
    appName: 'My App',

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const accounts = await hubApi.signup(requestOptions);

The signup() method returns a promise which resolves to an array of Accounts:

interface Account {
    accountId: string;      // Automatically generated account ID
    label: string;          // The label (name) generated for the account

    type: WalletType;       // 1 for in-browser multi-address accounts,
                            // 2 for Ledger hardware accounts

    fileExported: boolean;  // These two flags signal if the user already
    wordsExported: boolean; // has the Login File or the recovery words

    addresses: Array<{      // During signup, only one address is added to the account
        address: string;    // Human-readable address
        label: string;      // The label (name) of the address


The login() method allows the user to add an existing account to the Hub by importing their Login File, Recovery Words or old Account Access File. After an account has been imported, the Hub automatically detects active addresses following the BIP44 method.

const requestOptions = {
    // The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
    appName: 'My App',

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const accounts = await hubApi.login(requestOptions);

The login() method returns a promise which resolves to an array of Accounts. Please see the result type for signup() for details.


The onboard() method presents a choice menu between Signup, Login, and Connect Ledger to the user and is thus a general purpose onboarding method. Just like the direct methods, it only requires a simple request object:

const requestOptions = {
    // The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
    appName: 'My App',

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const accounts = await hubApi.onboard(requestOptions);

Since onboard() is a wrapper around Signup, Login and Ledger, it also returns an Account[] result type. Please see the result type for signup() for details.


The logout() method removes an account from the Hub. During the logout process, the user can export the Login File or Recovery Words before the account is deleted.

const requestOptions = {
    // The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
    appName: 'My App',

    // The ID of the account that should be removed
    accountId: 'xxxxxxxx',

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const logoutResult = await hubApi.logout(requestOptions);

The logout() method returns a promise which resolves to a simple object containing the success property, which is always true:

{ success: true }


Using the export() method, a user can retrieve the Login File or Recovery Words of an account.

const requestOptions = {
    // The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
    appName: 'My App',

    // The ID of the account to export
    accountId: 'xxxxxxxx',

    // [optional] Limit the export flow to Login File download
    // Default: false,
    //fileOnly: true,

    // [optional] Limit the export flow to Recovery Words export
    // Default: false,
    //wordsOnly: true,

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const exportResult = await hubApi.export(requestOptions);

The export() method returns a promise which resolves to an object that contains flags for each export type:

interface ExportResult {
    fileExported: boolean;
    wordsExported: boolean;

Change Password

With the changePassword() method, a user can change the password of an account:

const requestOptions = {
    // The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
    appName: 'My App',

    // The ID of the account whose password should be changed
    accountId: 'xxxxxxxx',

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const result = await hubApi.changePassword(requestOptions);

The changePassword() method returns a promise which resolves to a simple object containing the success property, which is always true:

{ success: true }

Add Address

By using the addAddress() method, the user is able to derive and add an additional address to their account. The method returns the added address and its label.

The method takes a simple request object as its argument:

const requestOptions = {
    // The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
    appName: 'My App',

    // The ID of the account to which an address should be added
    accountId: 'xxxxxxxx',

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const address = await hubApi.addAddress(requestOptions);

The request's result contains an address string as address and a label:

interface Address {
    address: string;  // Human-readable address
    label: string;    // The address's label (name)


To rename a user's account or addresses, you can call the rename() method. The UI for the rename action always presents the given account and all its addresses to the user. By sending an optional address with the request, that address's label will be already pre-selected for the user.

This method takes the following request object as its only argument:

const requestOptions = {
    // The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
    appName: 'My App',

    // The ID of the account which should be renamed, or to which the
    // address, which should be renamed, belongs
    accountId: 'xxxxxxxx',

    // [optional] The human-readable address which should be pre-selected
    // for the user to be renamed
    address: 'NQxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx';

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const account = await hubApi.rename(requestOptions);

Since more than one label can be renamed during the rename request, the result contains the whole account, including all visible addresses. Please see the result type for signup() for details about the Account object.

Request Types

enum HubApi.RequestType {
    SIGNUP = 'signup',
    LOGIN = 'login',
    ONBOARD = 'onboard',
    LOGOUT = 'logout',
    EXPORT = 'export',
    CHANGE_PASSWORD = 'change-password',
    ADD_ADDRESS = 'add-address',
    RENAME = 'rename',
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