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Fetch Missing Epochs #346

Fetch Missing Epochs

Fetch Missing Epochs #346

Workflow file for this run

name: Fetch Missing Epochs
workflow_dispatch: # Allows manual trigger
- cron: '0 * * * *' # Runs every hour
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Fetch missing epochs
id: fetch-missing
run: |
# Fetch the array of missing epochs and store it in a variable
MISSING_EPOCHS=$(curl -s "${{ env.API_BASE_URL }}/api/v1/epochs/missing")
# Remove brackets from array and store as space-separated string
EPOCHS=$(echo $MISSING_EPOCHS | jq -r 'join(" ")')
# Store the epochs in an output variable for next steps
echo "epochs=$EPOCHS" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Print for logging
echo "Found missing epochs: $EPOCHS"
- name: Process each epoch
run: |
# Read the epochs from previous step
EPOCHS="${{ steps.fetch-missing.outputs.epochs }}"
# Loop through each epoch number
for epoch in $EPOCHS; do
echo "Processing epoch $epoch"
# Make the API call and capture both response and status code
HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}" "${{ env.API_BASE_URL }}/api/v1/epochs/$epoch")
HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tail -n1)
RESPONSE_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed '$ d')
if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 500 ]; then
echo "Error 500 received for epoch $epoch"
echo "Response body: $RESPONSE_BODY"
continue # Skip to next epoch on 500 error
elif [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -ne 200 ]; then
echo "Error: HTTP status $HTTP_STATUS for epoch $epoch"
echo "Response body: $RESPONSE_BODY"
continue # Skip to next epoch on other errors
echo "Successfully processed epoch $epoch"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Fetch missing epochs
id: fetch-missing
run: |
# Fetch the array of missing epochs and store it in a variable
MISSING_EPOCHS=$(curl -s "${{ env.API_BASE_URL_TESTNET }}/api/v1/epochs/missing")
# Remove brackets from array and store as space-separated string
EPOCHS=$(echo $MISSING_EPOCHS | jq -r 'join(" ")')
# Store the epochs in an output variable for next steps
echo "epochs=$EPOCHS" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Print for logging
echo "Found missing epochs: $EPOCHS"
- name: Process each epoch
run: |
# Read the epochs from previous step
EPOCHS="${{ steps.fetch-missing.outputs.epochs }}"
# Loop through each epoch number
for epoch in $EPOCHS; do
echo "Processing epoch $epoch"
# Make the API call and capture both response and status code
HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}" "${{ env.API_BASE_URL_TESTNET }}/api/v1/epochs/$epoch")
HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tail -n1)
RESPONSE_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed '$ d')
if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 500 ]; then
echo "Error 500 received for epoch $epoch"
echo "Response body: $RESPONSE_BODY"
continue # Skip to next epoch on 500 error
elif [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -ne 200 ]; then
echo "Error: HTTP status $HTTP_STATUS for epoch $epoch"
echo "Response body: $RESPONSE_BODY"
continue # Skip to next epoch on other errors
echo "Successfully processed epoch $epoch"
# - name: Import validators
# run: |
# echo "Importing validators..."
# RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST "${{ env.API_BASE_URL }}/api/v1/validators/import")
# if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# echo "Successfully imported validators"
# else
# echo "Error importing validators"
# exit 1 # Fail the workflow if validator import fails
# fi