•Census is nothing but a process of collecting, compiling, analyzing, evaluating, publishing and disseminating statistical data regarding the population.
•It is a reflection of truth and facts as they exist in a country about its people, their diversity of habitation, religion, culture, language, education, health and socio-economic status.
•The word ‘Census’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Censere’ meaning ‘to assess or to rate’.
•It covers demographic, social and economic data and are provided as of a particular date. Census is useful for formulation of development policies and plans and demarcating constituencies for elections.
•The Census of India has been conducted 15 times, As of 2011. It has been conducted every 10 years, beginning in 1871.
This repository consists of the following :
- README.txt (this file)
- Dataset : "india-districts-census-2011.csv"
- An Ipython notebook
- Ipython notebook downloaded as an HTML file
- 'INDIA_shp' folder which contains shapefiles of India
To keep names of states same in dataset and shapefile, following transformations were performed.
- DAMAN & DIU is changed to DAMAN AND DIU
- ODISHA is changed to ORISSA
All of the modules, functions and objects we are going to use are imported.
Dataset is loaded in a pandas dataframe.
(a) Dimensions of the dataset (b) Peek at the data (c) Statistical summary (d) Class distribution
The following questions have been answered :
Step 1. Group all the rows of the same state together
Step 2. Iterate through each group and calculate the total population and total literate population for that particular state.
Step 3. Literacy rate = (total literate population / total population) * 100
Step 4. Store the results for each state
Step 5. Plot the results in a geographic map of India (a) Getting coordinates (b) Creating a map (c) Using Shapefiles for drawing states (d) Creating a dataframe mapping shapes to literacy rates and state names (e) Using data to color areas
Q2. Find out most similar districts in Bihar and Tamil Nadu. Similarity can be based on any of the columns from the data.
Step 1 : Create dataframes of Bihar districts and TN districts
Step 2 : Calculate similarity matrix
To measure the similarity between two instances we can use the Euclidean distance measure. Similarity score is the inverse of Euclidean distance. Larger Euclidean distance corresponds to smaller similarity score and vice-versa.
However on observing the data we notice that the first three features are not numbers and also that the remaining features vary over a large range. In order to account for these we do the following:
• To find the euclidean distance we compute sum of squared differences of the attribute values for each column (between each row of Bihar districts and Tamil Nadu districts).
• Then, we compute the square root of the total sum computed above and inverse it. Resultant obtained is the similarity score.
• If features vary over a large range then the largest component will dominate the calculation of the similarity score. In order to avoid this we normalize the numerical attributes so that they fall between 0 and 1.
Step 3 : Plot the matrix using seaborn heatmap
Q3. How does the mobile penetration vary in regions (districts or states) with high or low agricultural workers?
Step 1 : Iterate through each group and calculate total agri workers and total households with mobiles
Step 2 : Create a dataframe holding state name, households_with_mobile and agri_workers
Step 3 : Plot statewise distribution