🔭 I'm currently working at Tata Consultancy Services.
🌱 I'm currently learning Data Structures and how to automate things 💪.
👯 I'm looking to collaborate on Open Sourced Projects on Python 🐍 related Projects.
🤔 I'm looking for help with Machine Learning.
💬 Ask me about anything, anytime!
⚡ Fun fact: If you like me, you need space. 'Coz I code in python.
I am working on Data Structures & Algorithms and increasing my knowledge on Python. My interest lies in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
I have the attitude of a learner, the courage of an coder and the thinking of an hacker, engraved inside me. I wish to be a hacktivist in my community of people and have an innate desire to contribute to country and society.
Currently, I'm working in one of the top MNCs of World as Assistant Systems Emgineer with programming skills along with leadership and some hacking skills.
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