Organisational Handbook and Technical Docs Repository for Kartoza. Here is where we highlight the procedures, principles, and processes related to Development, DevOps, and GIS, in line with the organisation's best practices. Please review this content at for more information.
You need both the Kartoza Handbook repo and the mkdocs pdf building repo:
git clone [email protected]:kartoza/TheKartozaHandbook.git
You need to install these packages:
pip install mkdocs-with-pdf
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mdx_gh_links
pip install mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin
Initial setup
virtualenv --python=python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Subsequent sessions:
source env/bin/activate
When you are done with your session, deactivate your venv:
Initial setup done once:
- Install direnv with your package manager
- Make sure it is set up in your bashrc
echo 'eval "$(direnv hook bash)"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- Enter this git directory in your shell
pip install -r requirements.txt
After this, whenever you enter the directory, direnv will load your direnv and penv for you. See .envrc for details on how it is configured.
Note that whenever you add new sections to nav in the mkdocs.yml (used for building the web version), you should apply those same edits to mkdocs-pdf.yml if you want those new sections to appear in the pdf too.
cd docs
xdg-open TheKartozaHandbook.pdf
If you are in VSCode, you can also just run the 'Compile PDF' task. The generated PDF will be placed in docs/pdfs/.