The official JavaScript SDK to communicate with conversational applications created using NLX Dialog Studio. It contains the following packages:
- @nlxai/chat-widget: the official out-of-the-box, lightly themeable NLX widget.
- @nlxai/chat-core: vanilla JavaScript SDK for creating fully custom chat widgets.
- @nlxai/chat-react: React custom hook for building chat widgets.
- @nlxai/chat-preact: Preact custom hook for building chat widgets.
Do you work with Vue? React without hooks? Custom elements? Let us know what framework you are looking to build web-based chat applications with so we can look into making utilities for those.
ps if you work with Svelte, the conversation object returned by the core SDK satisfies the Svelte store contract.
All SDK packages are written in TypeScript so you can use our type definitions in your project.
Issues and feature requests are always welcome.