The datapad is an overlay to help keep relevant Guild Wars 2 data at your fingertips.
To open the data-pad from in-game, press shift
+ enter
. Then type > help
for some basic instructions.
The app resides in the /overlay
directory. The /docs
directory is a simple vuepress project which serves the in-app help documentation.
The data-pad is an electron project. It leverages iohook to listen for the shift + enter
combo, then brings up the overlay. robotjs is used to refocus Guild Wars 2, and paste the contents of the clipboard once refocused. Beyond that, it is a pretty standard vue app.
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload
yarn serve
# build electron application for production
yarn build
# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
yarn lint
Pull requests and issues are welcome and encouraged. No templates are set up, but please provide as much info as possible when submitting an issue!