- Large integer is allowed for runoff HRU ID.
- Improved netcdf I/O performance.
- Robust mapping file handling. debug option to mapping file check.
- Performance improvement for IRF routine/flow_accumulation routines.
- ixPrint for on-screen debug printing is now working with format.
- error in basin unit hydrograph routing at hourly time steps
- error in reach unit hydrograph construction. make sure sum of unit hydrograph is one.
- time utility routine - error in julian day computation, error in parsing time string.
- basin unit hydrograph restart reading.
New features:
- a simple water abstraction/injection capability for IRF and KWT routines
- restart write options - Annual, monthly, daily, Last, Specified, and Never. timing in restart file name indicates restart timing not drop-off timing.
- Modified control specification: added single history file output option
- New control specification for output netcdf options (classic, 64bit_offset, netcdf4). default netcdf option: netcdf4
- New control specification for calendar, time unit, and fillvalue in runoff netcdf
- output file name definition - case_name.h.yyyy-mm-dd-sec.nc (history file) and case_name.r.yyyy-mm-dd-sec.nc (restart file)
- various minor code refactoring and cleaning