This is the dataset collected and used in the article titled "Modeling the User Experience ofWatching 360° Videos with Head-Mounted Displays", which is submitted to ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications.
(03) Landing, (07) PoleVault, (08) BranCastle, (10) SkateboardTrick, (05) Balboa, (09) Harbor
- dataset
- data_samples: All data samples with QoE scores and factor values
- user01: log files of user 01
- user_profile
- orienation_log
- u01_v03_b9.log
- u01_v09_b3.log . . .
- u01_v03_b1.log
- rating_log
- models
- MOS_A_OQ.model
- MOS_A_IQ.model ...
- IS_A_OQ.model ...
- features
- all_ft_oq: all factors -> predicting OQ
- all_ft_iq: all factors -> predicting IQ ...
- scripts
- user_profile: user_no, gender, age, frequency, education
- uxx_txx_vxx.log: frame_no, head_yaw, head_pitch, gaze_yaw, gaze_pitch
- rating_log: video_no, br, overall_QoE, image_quality, fragmentation, immersion, cybersickness, attractive