Components, that implements material design date and time pickers for material-ui v1
Changelog available here
Available as npm package
npm install material-ui-pickers -S
We are using material-ui-icons font to display icons.Just add this to your html
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
If you dont want to use icon font, or you are already use material-ui-icons
you can pass any icon to the components with the following props
- leftArrowIcon - arrow left for datepicker
- rightArrowIcon - arrow right for datepicker
- dateRangeIcon - date tab icon for datetimepicker
- timeIcon - time tab icon for datetimepicker
Here is a quick example of how to use this package
import { TimePicker, DatePicker, DateTimePicker } from 'material-ui-pickers'
class App extends Component {
state = {
selectedDate: new Date(),
selectedTime: new Date(),
selectedDateTime: new Date()
handleDateChange = date => {
this.setState({ selectedDate: date })
handleTimeChange = time => {
this.setState({ selectedTime: time })
handleDateTimeChange = dateTime => {
this.setState({ selectedDateTime: dateTime })
render() {
const { selectedDate, selectedTime, selectedDateTime } = this.state
return (
Here is a list of available props
- date - string, number, Date object, Moment object (anything, that can be parsed by moment)
Prop | Type | Default | Definition |
value | date | new Date() | Datepicker value |
format | string | 'MMMM Do' | Moment format string for input |
autoOk | boolean | false | Auto accept date on selection |
disableFuture | boolean | false | Disable future dates |
animateYearScrolling | boolean | false | Will animate year selection (note that will work for browser supports scrollIntoView api) |
openToYearSelection | boolean | false | Open datepicker from year selection |
minDate | date | '1900-01-01' | Minimum selectable date |
maxDate | date | '2100-01-01' | Maximum selectable date |
onChange | func | required | Callback firing when date accepted |
returnMoment | boolean | true | Will return moment object in onChange |
invalidLabel | string | 'Unknown' | Displayed string if date cant be parsed (or null) |
leftArrowIcon | react node, string | 'keyboard_arrow_left' | Left arrow icon |
rightArrowIcon | react node, string | 'keyboard_arrow_right' | Right arrow icon |
Prop | Type | Default | Definition |
value | date | new Date() | Timepicker value |
format | string | 'MMMM Do' | Moment format string for input |
autoOk | boolean | false | Auto accept time on selection |
onChange | func | required | Callback firing when date accepted |
returnMoment | boolean | true | Will return moment object in onChange |
invalidLabel | string | 'Unknown' | Displayed string if date cant be parsed (or null) |
Prop | Type | Default | Definition |
value | date | new Date() | Timepicker value |
format | string | 'MMMM Do hh:mm a' | Moment format string for input |
autoOk | boolean | false | Auto accept time on selection |
autoSubmit | boolean | true | On change show next time input (year -> date -> hour -> minute) |
showTabs | boolean | false | Show date/time tabs |
openTo | one of 'year', 'date', 'hour', 'minutes' | 'date' | Open to particular view |
animateYearScrolling | boolean | false | Will animate year selection |
minDate | date | '1900-01-01' | Minimum selectable date |
maxDate | date | '2100-01-01' | Maximum selectable date |
onChange | func | required | Callback firing when date accepted |
returnMoment | boolean | true | Will return moment object in onChangeg |
invalidLabel | string | 'Unknown' | Displayed string if date cant be parsed (or null) |
leftArrowIcon | react node, string | 'keyboard_arrow_left' | Left arrow icon |
rightArrowIcon | react node, string | 'keyboard_arrow_right' | Right arrow icon |
dateRangeIcon | react node, string | 'date_range' | Date tab icon |
timeIcon | react node, string | 'access_time' | Time tab icon |
- 24 hour displaying for timepicker (now supporting only am/pm)
They would be added/fixed in one of the nearest release :)
For information about how to contribute, see the CONTRIBUTING file.
The project is licensed under the terms of MIT license