A project for automatically detecting changes in a Javascript Object using ES6 Proxies and outputing them into a json-patch request.
import {JsonPatcher} from '../src/json-patcher';
//some object we want to watch for changes
var objectToWatch = {
someProp: "Some Prop Value",
someSubObject: {
id: 'someId'
someArray: []
//watch a given object. Only changes made to the returned 'proxied' will be tracked
var proxied = JsonPatcher.watch(objectToWatch);
//modify some properties
proxied.someProp = 'Hello';
delete proxied.someSubObject.id
//will output
// { op: 'replace', path: '/someProp', value: 'hello' },
// { op: 'remove', path: '/someSubObject/id' },
// { op: 'add', path: '/someArray/-', value: '!' }