Walk directories recursively and event based.
npm install --save directorywalker
var DirectoryWalker = require('directorywalker');
var walker = new DirectoryWalker({ /* optional options object */ });
walker.on('file', function (file) { console.log(file); });
fileFilter: function (path, callback(err, boolean))
The fileFilter
is invoked every time a file is encountered.
If the result (gathered asynchronously, the callback takes an error as
its first argument and the verdict as its second argument) is trueish
the file
event will be emitted for the given file.
dirFilter: function (path, callback(err, boolean))
The dirFilter
is invoked every time a dir is encountered.
If the result (gathered asynchronously, the callback takes an error as
its first argument and the verdict as its second argument) is trueish
the dir
event will be emitted for the given file. If the event is
not trueish, the event will not be emitted and
the directory will not be descended into.
walker.on('file', function (path) { ... })
Emitted each time a file is encountered and accepted by
the fileFilter
(if any).
walker.on('dir', function (path) { ... })
Emitted each time a directory is encountered and accepted by
the dirFilter
(if any).
walker.on('error', function (path, err) { ... })
Emitted each time an error occurs (for example when statting a file, invoking a filter, ...).
walker.on('entry', function (path) { ... })
Emitted each time a directory entry (be it a file, a directory, anything) is encountered.
walker.on('stats', function (path, stats) { ... })
Emitted each time a directory entry is statted. The event also carries the stats for that directory entry.