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implement sync formdata parsser
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KhafraDev committed Mar 3, 2024
1 parent fc4e766 commit 4168640
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Showing 4 changed files with 384 additions and 3 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/web/fetch/body.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -577,5 +577,6 @@ module.exports = {
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/web/fetch/data-url.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -738,5 +738,6 @@ module.exports = {
379 changes: 379 additions & 0 deletions lib/web/fetch/formdata-parser.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
'use strict'

const { webidl } = require('./webidl')
const { utf8DecodeBytes } = require('./body')
const { collectASequenceOfCodePoints, removeChars, HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS } = require('./data-url')
const { isFileLike, File: UndiciFile } = require('./file')
const { makeEntry } = require('./formdata')
const assert = require('node:assert')
const { isAscii } = require('node:buffer')

const File = globalThis.File ?? UndiciFile

* @see
* @param {string} boundary
function validateBoundary (boundary) {

Check failure on line 17 in lib/web/fetch/formdata-parser.js

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / lint

'validateBoundary' is defined but never used
const length = boundary.length

// - its length is greater or equal to 27 and lesser or equal to 70, and
if (length < 27 || length > 70) {
return false

// - it is composed by bytes in the ranges 0x30 to 0x39, 0x41 to 0x5A, or
// 0x61 to 0x7A, inclusive (ASCII alphanumeric), or which are 0x27 ('),
// 0x2D (-) or 0x5F (_).
for (let i = 0; i < boundary.length; i++) {
const cp = boundary.charCodeAt(i)

if (!(
(cp >= 0x30 && cp <= 0x39) ||
(cp >= 0x41 && cp <= 0x5a) ||
(cp >= 0x61 && cp <= 0x7a) ||
cp === 0x27 ||
cp === 0x3d ||
cp === 0x5f
)) {
return false

return true

* @see
* @param {string} name
* @param {string?} encoding
* @param {boolean?} isFilename
function escapeFormDataName (name, encoding = 'utf-8', isFilename = false) {

Check failure on line 52 in lib/web/fetch/formdata-parser.js

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / lint

'escapeFormDataName' is defined but never used
// 1. If isFilename is true:
if (isFilename) {
// 1.1. Set name to the result of converting name into a scalar value string.
name = webidl.converters.USVString(name)
} else {
// 2. Otherwise:

// 2.1. Assert: name is a scalar value string.
assert(name === webidl.converters.USVString(name))

// 2.2. Replace every occurrence of U+000D (CR) not followed by U+000A (LF),
// and every occurrence of U+000A (LF) not preceded by U+000D (CR), in
// name, by a string consisting of U+000D (CR) and U+000A (LF).
name = name.replace(/\r\n?|\r?\n/g, '\r\n')

// 3. Let encoded be the result of encoding name with encoding.

// 4. Replace every 0x0A (LF) bytes in encoded with the byte sequence `%0A`,
// 0x0D (CR) with `%0D` and 0x22 (") with `%22`.
name = name
.replace(/\n/g, '%0A')
.replace(/\r/g, '%0D')
.replace(/"/g, '%22')

// 5. Return encoded.
return Buffer.from(name, encoding) // encoded

* @see
* @param {string} input
* @param {ReturnType<import('./data-url')['parseMIMEType']>} mimeType
function multipartFormDataParser (input, mimeType) {
// 1. Assert: mimeType’s essence is "multipart/form-data".
assert(mimeType !== 'failure' && mimeType.essence === 'multipart/form-data')

// 2. If mimeType’s parameters["boundary"] does not exist, return failure.
// Otherwise, let boundary be the result of UTF-8 decoding mimeType’s
// parameters["boundary"].
if (!mimeType.parameters.has('boundary')) {
return 'failure'

const boundary = utf8DecodeBytes(Buffer.from(mimeType.parameters.get('boundary')))

// 3. Let entry list be an empty entry list.
const entryList = []

// 4. Let position be a pointer to a byte in input, initially pointing at
// the first byte.
const position = { position: 0 }

// 5. While true:
while (true) {
// 5.1. If position points to a sequence of bytes starting with 0x2D 0x2D
// (`--`) followed by boundary, advance position by 2 + the length of
// boundary. Otherwise, return failure.
if (input.slice(position.position, position.position + 2 + boundary.length) === `--${boundary}`) {
position.position += 2 + boundary.length
} else {
return 'failure'

// 5.2. If position points to the sequence of bytes 0x2D 0x2D 0x0D 0x0A
// (`--` followed by CR LF) followed by the end of input, return entry list.
// TODO: a FormData body doesn't need to end with CRLF?
if (position.position === input.length - 2 && input.endsWith('--')) {
return entryList

// 5.3. If position does not point to a sequence of bytes starting with 0x0D
// 0x0A (CR LF), return failure.
if (input.charCodeAt(position.position) !== 0x0d || input.charCodeAt(position.position + 1) !== 0x0a) {
return 'failure'

// 5.4. Advance position by 2. (This skips past the newline.)
position.position += 2

// 5.5. Let name, filename and contentType be the result of parsing
// multipart/form-data headers on input and position, if the result
// is not failure. Otherwise, return failure.
const result = parseMultipartFormDataHeaders(input, position)

if (result === 'failure') {
return 'failure'

let { name, filename, contentType } = result

// 5.6. Advance position by 2. (This skips past the empty line that marks
// the end of the headers.)
position.position += 2

// 5.7. Let body be the empty byte sequence.
let body = ''

// 5.8. Body loop: While position is not past the end of input:
// TODO: the steps here are completely wrong
const boundaryIndex = input.indexOf(boundary, position.position)

if (boundaryIndex === -1) {
return 'failure'

body = input.slice(position.position, boundaryIndex - 4)

position.position += body.length

// 5.9. If position does not point to a sequence of bytes starting with
// 0x0D 0x0A (CR LF), return failure. Otherwise, advance position by 2.
if (input.charCodeAt(position.position) !== 0x0d || input.charCodeAt(position.position + 1) !== 0x0a) {
return 'failure'
} else {
position.position += 2

// 5.10. If filename is not null:
let value

if (filename !== null) {
// 5.10.1. If contentType is null, set contentType to "text/plain".
contentType ??= 'text/plain'

// 5.10.2. If contentType is not an ASCII string, set contentType to the empty string.
if (!isAscii(Buffer.from(contentType))) {
contentType = ''

// 5.10.3. Let value be a new File object with name filename, type contentType, and body body.
value = new File([body], filename, { type: contentType })
} else {
// 5.11. Otherwise:

// 5.11.1. Let value be the UTF-8 decoding without BOM of body.
value = utf8DecodeBytes(Buffer.from(body))

// 5.12. Assert: name is a scalar value string and value is either a scalar value string or a File object.
assert(name === webidl.converters.USVString(name))
assert((typeof value === 'string' && value === webidl.converters.USVString(value)) || isFileLike(value))

// 5.13. Create an entry with name and value, and append it to entry list.
entryList.push(makeEntry(name, value, filename))

* @see
* @param {string} input
* @param {{ position: number }} position
function parseMultipartFormDataHeaders (input, position) {
// 1. Let name, filename and contentType be null.
let name = null
let filename = null
let contentType = null

// 2. While true:
while (true) {
// 2.1. If position points to a sequence of bytes starting with 0x0D 0x0A (CR LF):
if (input.charCodeAt(position.position) === 0x0d && input.charCodeAt(position.position + 1) === 0x0a) {
// 2.1.1. If name is null, return failure.
if (name === null) {
return 'failure'

// 2.1.2. Return name, filename and contentType.
return { name, filename, contentType }

// 2.2. Let header name be the result of collecting a sequence of bytes that are
// not 0x0A (LF), 0x0D (CR) or 0x3A (:), given position.
let headerName = collectASequenceOfCodePoints(
(char) => char !== '\n' && char !== '\n' && char !== ':',

// 2.3. Remove any HTTP tab or space bytes from the start or end of header name.
headerName = removeChars(headerName, true, true, (char) => char === 0x9 || char === 0x20)

// 2.4. If header name does not match the field-name token production, return failure.
if (!HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(headerName)) {
return 'failure'

// 2.5. If the byte at position is not 0x3A (:), return failure.
if (input.charCodeAt(position.position) !== 0x3a) {
return 'failure'

// 2.6. Advance position by 1.

// 2.7. Collect a sequence of bytes that are HTTP tab or space bytes given position.
// (Do nothing with those bytes.)
(char) => char === ' ' || char === '\t',

// 2.8. Byte-lowercase header name and switch on the result:
switch (headerName.toLowerCase()) {
case 'content-disposition': {
// 1. Set name and filename to null.
name = filename = null

// 2. If position does not point to a sequence of bytes starting with
// `form-data; name="`, return failure.
if (!input.slice(position.position).startsWith('form-data; name="')) {
return 'failure'

// 3. Advance position so it points at the byte after the next 0x22 (")
// byte (the one in the sequence of bytes matched above).
position.position += 17

// 4. Set name to the result of parsing a multipart/form-data name given
// input and position, if the result is not failure. Otherwise, return
// failure.
name = parseMultipartFormDataName(input, position)

if (name === false) {
return 'failure'

// 5. If position points to a sequence of bytes starting with `; filename="`:
if (input.slice(position.position).startsWith('; filename="')) {
// 1. Advance position so it points at the byte after the next 0x22 (") byte
// (the one in the sequence of bytes matched above).
position.position += 13

// 2. Set filename to the result of parsing a multipart/form-data name given
// input and position, if the result is not failure. Otherwise, return failure.
filename = parseMultipartFormDataName(input, position)

if (filename === false) {
return 'failure'

case 'content-type': {
// 1. Let header value be the result of collecting a sequence of bytes that are
// not 0x0A (LF) or 0x0D (CR), given position.
let headerValue = collectASequenceOfCodePoints(
(char) => char !== '\r' && char !== '\n',

// 2. Remove any HTTP tab or space bytes from the end of header value.
headerValue = removeChars(headerValue, false, true, (char) => char === 0x9 || char === 0x20)

// 3. Set contentType to the isomorphic decoding of header value.
contentType = headerValue

default: {
// Collect a sequence of bytes that are not 0x0A (LF) or 0x0D (CR), given position.
// (Do nothing with those bytes.)
(char) => char !== '\n' && char !== '\r',

// 2.9. If position does not point to a sequence of bytes starting with 0x0D 0x0A
// (CR LF), return failure. Otherwise, advance position by 2 (past the newline).
if (input.charCodeAt(position.position) !== 0x0d && input.charCodeAt(position.position + 1) !== 0x0a) {
return 'failure'
} else {
position.position += 2

* @see
* @param {string} input
* @param {{ position: number }} position
function parseMultipartFormDataName (input, position) {
// 1. Assert: The byte at (position - 1) is 0x22 (").
assert(input.charCodeAt(position.position - 1) === 0x22)

// 2. Let name be the result of collecting a sequence of bytes that are not 0x0A (LF), 0x0D (CR) or 0x22 ("), given position.
let name = collectASequenceOfCodePoints(
(char) => char !== '\n' && char !== '\r' && char !== '"',

// 3. If the byte at position is not 0x22 ("), return failure. Otherwise, advance position by 1.
if (input.charCodeAt(position.position) !== 0x22) {
return false // name could be 'failure'
} else {

// 4. Replace any occurrence of the following subsequences in name with the given byte:
// - `%0A`: 0x0A (LF)
// - `%0D`: 0x0D (CR)
// - `%22`: 0x22 (")
name = name
.replace(/%0A/i, '\n')

Check failure

Code scanning / CodeQL

Incomplete string escaping or encoding High

This replaces only the first occurrence of /%0A/i.
.replace(/%0D/i, '\r')

Check failure

Code scanning / CodeQL

Incomplete string escaping or encoding High

This replaces only the first occurrence of /%0D/i.
.replace(/%22/, '"')

Check failure

Code scanning / CodeQL

Incomplete string escaping or encoding High

This replaces only the first occurrence of /%22/.

// 5. Return the UTF-8 decoding without BOM of name.
return Buffer.from(name, 'utf-8').toString('utf-8')

module.exports = {

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