The Raspberry Pi 5MP Camera Board connected with the Raspberry Pi 4 board we can capture images and videos very easily. There are several functions available in that allows for the above mentioned operations.
HC-SR04 Distance Sensor connected with the Raspberry Pi 4 board we can easily detect distance. HC-SR04 has 4 points of connection (i)VCC which is connected to 5V power supply (ii)Gnd which can be connected to anyone of the Ground pins (iii) Trigger and Echo can be connected to any of the GPIO pins. contains source code for operating distance sensor with Raspberry Pi 4.
Implementation video and python source code can be found in Traffic Signal Led
Implementation video and python source code can be found in Distance Tracker Using Led
L289n can be used to control multiple motors, they can be used for speed and movement control.
Implementation video and python source code can be found in L289n Motor Control
This is what the final RaspberryPi Car Design looks like
Image 01
Image 02