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Endpoint Migration Guide
ODHActivityPoi contains all data from the Endpoints Activity, Poi and Gastronomy. It contains additional data from different data Providers (Siag, IDM, Suedtirol Wine, Redactional Content, Link to Outdooractive etc...).
We strongly recommend to use this Endpoint the old Endpoints are legacy and will no longer be supported in the near future
The new Endpoint is compatible with the old Endpoints, all filtering possibilities are available, all properties of the data structure are still there. However there are some small differences we try to describe in this guide
Type, SubType, PoiType
fields are different, however they are obsolete and should not be used. We have seen a 1:1 Type assignment is not possible so ODH switched to the multiple Categorization by it's Tags.
original Tagging provided by the datasource
ODH Tagging, contains ODH categorization
The Tagging can differ, it is up to the data consumer which Tagging he would use, we recommend to use ODH Tags
English naming for Gpstype used
removed, duplicate information, see ODHTags & LTS Tags
useful to display categorization (some Tags are marked ad Categories to display and this Tags will be present here in all languages)
AdditionalPoiInfos.language.MainType, AdditionalPoiInfos.language.MainType and AdditionalPoiInfos.language.SubType
obsolete as described above
Type, SubType, PoiType
fields are different, however they are obsolete and should not be used. We have seen a 1:1 Type assignment is not possible so ODH switched to the multiple Categorization by it's Tags.
original Tagging provided by the datasource
ODH Tagging, contains ODH categorization
The Tagging can differ, it is up to the data consumer which Tagging he would use, we recommend to use ODH Tags
English naming for Gpstype used
removed, duplicate information, see ODHTags & LTS Tags
useful to display categorization (some Tags are marked ad Categories to display and this Tags will be present here in all languages)
AdditionalPoiInfos.language.MainType, AdditionalPoiInfos.language.MainType and AdditionalPoiInfos.language.SubType
obsolete as described above
All Gps Information has moved to Property "GpsPoints"
"Gpstype": "GPSCenter",
"Altitude": 948,
"Latitude": 46.8979,
"Longitude": 11.4314,
GpsPoints: {
"position": {
"Gpstype": "position",
"Altitude": 948,
"Latitude": 46.8979,
"Longitude": 11.4314,
"AltitudeUnitofMeasure": "m"
ODH Categorization
LTS Categorization
DishRates, Facilities, CapacityCeremony,
also on ODHActivityPoi
(Gastronomy) moved to RelatedContent
AdditionalPoiInfos.language.Categories useful to display categorization (some Tags are marked ad Categories to display and this Tags will be present here in all languages)
All maintype/subtype Filter "under the hood" are filtering on the assigned Tags. Every ODHActivityPoi can have multiple Tags association. The Bitmask is only helpful do shorten the Parameter and allows filtering by certain type combinations.
On ODHActivityPoi all filters from Activity are available.
activitytype --> Filters by the LTS categorization.
Find all available categorizations on this list LTS Activity Main Types
On ODHActivityPoi all filters from the Poi Endpoint are available.
poitype --> Filters by the LTS categorization.
Find all available categorizations on this list LTS Poi Main Types
Simply Pass the Bitmask
If poitype is passed, the subtype Filter can be used also for the subtypes defined in the list.
Example, we filter on Shops (Bitmask 2) and Subtype Antiques (Bitmask 2) + Flowers (Bitmask 4)
same as
On ODHActivityPoi all filters from Gastronomy are available.
categorycodefilter --> Filters by the LTS Categories
dishcodefilter--> Filters by the LTS Dish Codes
ceremonycodefilter--> Filters by the LTS Ceremony Codes
facilitycodefilter--> Filters by the LTS Facility Codes
cuisinecodefilter--> Filters by the LTS Cuisine Codes
Find all available categorizations for Gastronomies on this list https://tourism.api.opendatahub.bz.it/v1/GastronomyTypes
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