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Endpoint Migration Guide

RudiThoeni edited this page Oct 18, 2021 · 21 revisions

Use ODHActivityPoi Endpoint instead of the legacy Activity, Poi, Gastronomy Endpoints

ODHActivityPoi contains all data from the Endponits Activity, Poi and Gastronomy. Also it contains more data from different data Providers (Siag, IDM, Suedtirol Wine, Redactional Content, Link to Outdooractive etc...).

We strongly recommend to use the new Endpoint the old Endpoints are legacy and will no longer be supported in the near future

The new Endpoint is compatible with the old Endpoints, all filtering possibilities are recreated, all properties of the data structure are still there. However there are some small differences we try to describe in this guide

Data structure compared

ODHActivityPoi - Activity

ODHActivityPoi - Poi

ODHActivityPoi - Gastronomy

  • GpsInfo


"Gpstype": "GPSCenter",
"Altitude": 948,
"Latitude": 46.8979,
"Longitude": 11.4314,
ODHActivityPoi --> GpsPoints

"GpsInfo": [
"Gpstype": "position",
"Altitude": 948,
"Latitude": 46.8979,
"Longitude": 11.4314,
"AltitudeUnitofMeasure": "m"

## Filtering compatibility

### ODHActivityPoi - Activity

### ODHActivityPoi - Poi

### ODHActivityPoi - Gastronomy
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