RED 0.8.12
RED - Robot Editor v0.8.12
RED Robot Editor is Eclipse based editor for RobotFramework test cases.
Release contains Eclipse feature of RED Robot Editor to be installed into Eclipse.
- Oracle Java 1.8+
- RED feature only: Eclipse Oxygen (v 4.7) or newer
- Python/Jython & RobotFramework installed
Installation instructions
Due to internal changes to support Eclipse Oxygen API, RED Product 0.8.11 cannot be upgraded from 0.8.0 and earlier versions.
For RED feature installed on Eclipse Neon, please upgrade your Eclipse platform:
Notable updates
- RED with PyDev debugging session wizard
- Source code formatter enhancements
- Libdoc generation fixes
- Quick variables typing in editor
- Better support for robot empty lines
- Enhancements in red.xml UI
GitHub issues updates
- #145 - In case empty line in test starts with tabulator it is propagated to table view wrongly
- #255 - Check pyDev debugging documentation
- #273 - Default env variables for launch configs
- #279 - Scroll table to the top when revealing the element
- #281 - Problem with libdoc generation when python library redirect also console msg from server
- #284 - Command line with unicode letters causes TestRunnerAgent exception
- #286 - Libdoc generation problem for SikuliLibrary
- #290 - Revise and update building instructions
- #291 - WM_Class is empty
- #295 - Unable to start session server when path contains non-ASCII chars
- #296 - Null Pointer Exception during validation
full changes in changelog.txt