Synca Easily manage sync for MySQL table Description: Data is added/updated on MASTER DB table constantly. The data from MASTER DB table needs to be synced with SLAVE DB(s) tables. Rather than deleting all entries from SLAVE DB(s) tables, Synca only inserts and updates entries which were added or modified.
Simply do this by [coming soon]...
MIT License.
A jQuery version is also included, but needs to be included manually.
= idparam
= the value you want to begin atparam1
= the value you want to arrive atparam1
= (optional) number of decimal places in number, default 0param1
= (optional) duration in seconds, default 2param1
= (optional, see demo) formatting/easing options object
var number = new AddFriend("SomeElementYouWant", 2, 9);
if (!number.error) {
} else {
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