EverQuest class automation Lua scripts for MacroQuest.
Provides a CWTN-like interface for bard, necro, ranger, shadow knight and warrior (so far) class automation with assist and chase modes, pre-configured spells, discs, AAs and abilities to use, and a UI to control a handful of settings.
Each of the class files, brd.lua
, nec.lua
, rng.lua
, shd.lua
and war.lua
includes a number of tables for spells, AAs, discs and items. Hopefully its clear from the naming which are for burns, which are standard rotations, mash abilities, etc.
Mode: Manual, Assist or Chase. (Other modes still a work in progress.. pullertank sort of works on warrior as of writing). Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} mode 0
Camp Radius: The radius within which you will assist on mobs. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} campradius 60
Chase Target: Type in a
name of the person to chase in chase mode. Its using an exact match spawn search forPC
's only. Ex./docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} chasetarget ${Group.MainAssist}
Chase Distance: Distance threshold to trigger chasing the chase target. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} chasedistance 30
Assist: Who to assist. Group MA, Raid MA 1, 2 or 3. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} assist group
Auto Assist At: Mob Percent HP to begin assisting. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} autoassistat 98
Switch With MA: Swap targets if the MA swaps targets. A bit odd, but this will also trigger manual mode to assist... makes it a bit like a vorpal mode? assists without chasing or setting a camp. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} switchwithma on
Burn Always: Burn routine is always entered and burn abilities are used as available. Its not great, it doesn't attempt to line up CDs or anything. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} burnalways off
Burn All Named: Enter burn routine when
. Kinda sucks with ToL zones since so many akhevan trash mobs returntrue
. Ex./docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} burnallnamed on
Burn Count: Enter burn routine when greater than or equal to this number of mobs are within camp radius. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} burncount 5
Burn Percent: Same as
Burn Always
, but only after mob HP is below this percent. Ex./docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} burnpercent 95
Spell Set: Set the spell set to be loaded, different classes have different options. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} spellset standard
Use Alliance: Toggle whether to attempt using alliance spells. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} usealliance on
- Pull Radius: The radius within which you will pull mobs when in a puller role. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} radius 250
- Pull Z Low: The lower Z radius for pulling mobs when in a puller role. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} zlow 10
,/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} zradius 50
- Pull Z High: The upper Z radius for pulling mobs when in a puller role. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} zhigh 25
,/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} zradius 50
- Pull Min Level: The minimum level mob to pull when in a puller role. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} levelmin 115
- Pull Max Level: The maxmimum level mob to pull when in a puller role. Ex.
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} levelmax 124
Spell Set: Refer to common settings Spell Set. Available options for bard: melee, caster, melee dot. Ex.
/brd spellset meleedot
Mez ST: Use single target mez on adds within camp radius. Ex.
/brd mezst off
Mez AE: Use AE Mez if 3 or more mobs are within camp radius. Ex.
/brd mezae on
Use Epic: Options:
. Will always use epic and fierce eye together.shm
means only use whenProphet's Gift of the Ruchu
is up. Ex./brd useepic always
Use Fade: Fades if you are on ToT or Percent HP below 50 or aggro above 70% on target. Not really tested this one at all. Ex.
/brd usefade on
Rally Group: Not implemented
BYOS: Disables attempts to mem the currently selected spell set, but currently will only try to play the songs listed in the currently selected spell set. Mostly just put this in atm so I can swap some gems on Shei mission. Ex.
/brd byos on
Spell Set: Refer to common settings Spell Set. Available options for necro:
. Ex./nec spellset short
Stop Percent: Stop casting DoTs on mobs when mob percent HP below this value. Ex.
/nec stoppercent 5
Debuff: Cast
Scent of Terris
AA on mobs. Ex./nec debuff on
Use Mana Drain DoT: Cast
Mind Atrophy
. Ex./nec usemanatap on
Buff Shield of Fate: Keep
Shield of Fate
up at all times. Ex./nec usebuffshield on
Summon Pet: Summon the level 120 pet if you have no pet. Ex.
/nec summonpet on
Buff Pet: Cast
Sigil of Undeath
buff on pet. Ex./nec buffpet on
Use Inspire Ally: Keep
Inspire Ally
buff up on pet. Ex./nec useinspire on
Use Rez: Use
AA on dead group members within range. Prioritizes healer, then tank, then remaining group members. Ex./nec userez on
Use FD: Use
Death's Effigy
when you have agro or are above 90% aggro. UseDeath's Peace
when aggro is above 70%. Also useDying Grasp
before flopping if HP below 40%. Ex./nec userez on
Use Melee: Control whether to melee mobs. If you only ever want to ranged, then leave this off. Ex.
/rng usemelee on
Use Range: Control whether to bow mobs. If you only ever want to melee, then leave this off. If ranged is enabled, ranged will always take precedence over melee. Ex.
/rng userange on
Use Unity (Azia): Buff self with
Wildstalker's Unity (Azia)
AA. Cannot be enabled at the same time as Beza. Ex./rng useunityazia on
Use Unity (Beza): Buff self with
Wildstalker's Unity (Beza)
AA. Cannot be enabled at the same time as Azia. Ex./rng useunitybeza on
Buff Group: Cast shout and enrichment buffs on group. Does not cope well with blocked buffs but hopefully checks stacking properly otherwise. Ex.
/rng buffgroup on
Use Regen: Cast regen buff on self. Ex.
/rng useregen on
DS Tank: Cast DS on the group main tank. Ex.
/rng dstank on
Use Poison Arrows: Buff self with
Poison Arrows
AA. Cannot be enabled at the same time as Flaming Arrows. Ex./rng usepoisonarrow on
Use Flaming Arrows: Buff self with
Flaming Arrows
AA. Cannot be enabled at the same time as Poison Arrows. Ex./rng usefirearrow on
Use DoT: Controls whether to cast the high mana cost DoT on mobs. My rangers gear is bad, so dotting all the things is expensive. Ex.
/rng usedot on
Use Nukes: Controls whether to cast nukes on mobs. Ex.
/rng nuke on
Use Dispel: Controls whether to dispel mobs. Will use
Entropy of Nature
AA on mobs above90%
HP when enabled. Ex./rng usedispel on
- Use Battle Leap: Keep
Battle Leap Warcry
up by usingBattle Leap
. Ex./war usebattleleap on
- Use Fortitude: Not Implemented. Ex.
/war usefortitude on
- Use Grapple: Use
Grappling Strike
ability as available. Ex./war usegrapple on
- Use Grasp: Use
Warlord's Grasp
ability as available. Ex./war usegrasp on
- Use Phantom: Use
Phantom Aggressor
ability as available. Ex./war usephantom on
- Use Projection: Use
Projection of Fury
ability as available. Ex./war useprojection on
- Use Snare: Use
Call of Challenge
ability as available. Ex./war usesnare on
- Use Precision: Use
Confluent Precision
ability as available. Cannot be enabled at the same time asExpanse
. Ex./war useprecision on
- Use Expanse: Use
Confluent Expanse
ability as available. This will be used when 2 or more mobs are on aggro. Cannot be enabled at the same time asPrecision
. Ex./war useexpanse on
Copy the aqo.lua
file and aqo
folder into your MQ lua
Start the script: /lua run aqo
The script uses the same sort of command structure to the class plugins, using class shortname command bindings. For example:
- To set mode to manual:
/brd mode 0
- To set mode to assist:
/brd mode 1
- To set mode to chase:
/brd mode 2
- To pause:
/nec pause on
- To resume:
/nec pause off
- To show the UI:
/rng show
- To hide the UI:
/rng hide
- To enable burns on demand:
/brd burnnow
Just filling in the missing stuff from my group, making things that work for me. No real plans.
Necro works pretty well atm.
Bard works decent.
Ranger is alright.
Warrior still a work in progress.
Missing a lot of functionality atm, such as: ignore lists, probably a lot of unhappy path issues not handled, probably does poorly in water, ...