Antler is a starterkit or boilerplate app to kickstart your next Front-end project using all the bleeding edge libraries in an easy to understand architecture.
You can find a running copy of this here. Make sure you check out the generated HTML source for the Universal bit.
The aim of this boilerplate is to stay small yet complete. It contains all the hot new toys you want to use, including examples on how to use them, but will try and stay small so it's not causing confusion through a lot of bloat-code.
Universal Rendering !
SASS support
Hot Replacement Module for components and reducers
Meta data injection for your SEO wishes
Babel 6
React 15.0.1
React Router Redux 4.0.2
Redux 3.5.1
Redux Devtools 3.2.0
- Dock Monitor 1.1.1
- Log Monitor 1.0.11
- Slider Monitor 1.0.5
- Redux Logger 2.6.1
Redbox 1.2.3
Webpack 1.13.0
Axios 0.10.0
- Dynamic API proxy
- Socket.IO example/implementation
- Documentation on how to get it up and running (though obvious)
- Rethink smart/dumb containers
- Rethink testing with Jest, maybe switch to