Accelerated starter kit for building a quasar 0.17 SSR PWA Hybrid - with rigged and ready to extend GraphQL server and feathers authentication. Also possible to be used for SPA development or without SSR.
This repository uses the latest known module resources known to work with:
quasar-cli 0.17.13
quasar-framework 0.17.10
@babel/insanity 7.0.0-beta.54
Using this starter assumes familiarity with the command line, git, node, vue, quasar and for the love of your sanity if you do not understand HTML, CSS or JS - then this is going to be much too complicated for you.
There are many ways to run with Quasar. One of the simplest is to use SSR, which is the way we have it setup by default. This means you will have a node server pre-hydrating your vue files and passing that to the browser. SSR, by nature, is complicated to use when you have to pass things like authentication tokens.
One way to pass these tokens is using feathers, which we have pre-rigged for you. Feathers uses websockets to communicate with the backend, and also provides you with a server for all of your static assets. However building your complete project each time you want to check something is rather time-consuming, which is why this starter is rigged for you to run a PWA dev server and use that to communicate with the feathers backend. Feathers is notoriously complicated to get working right, which is why we have provided extra unit tests to make sure it is working properly.
If you need more than just authentication - i.e. centralized data mutations, then you will probably be interested in looking into the schema based GraphQL and Prisma deployment. This is also available and can be used with or without feathers.
Our current (opinionated) recommendation if you want the whole kitchen sink, is to serve the PWA with feathers (that also provides authentication) and use GraphQL for your data. But you will have to uncomment lines 12 and 13 in quasar.conf.js - it is a lot to ask, and the rest of the setup is also slightly complicated, but anyway - you are a professional.
System prerequisites:
- pretested on windows and mac
- linux will obviously work too
- node.js 8 LTS or 10 latest
- yarn > 1.9 (no guarantees if you prefer to use npm)
- nodemon for running the production SSR server
- pm2 for deploying the SSR server in production
- ngrok if you want to share your work with colleagues
Clone this repo:
$ git clone [email protected]:nothingismagick/quasar-starter-ssr-pwa-jest-cypress.git example
$ cd example
$ yarn init:kitchensink
There are a number of scripts available in the /package.json
file that should make your life a little easier when working. Of course normal CLI commands like quasar dev
will still work, but power users of quasar swear by script invocation - especially if you plan to use a CI pipeline.
We will maintain a number of branches in this repository that allow you to choose the backend that you prefer:
- GraphQL with Prisma and Apollo
- Feathers Server with Authentication
- Firebase (Coming Soon)
- hypertable (Help Wanted)
- pouchdb (Help Wanted)
If you have never used GraphQL before, then we recommend that you follow this entire tutorial. We are using the free service provided by Prisma to create a dynamic database proxy and running a local graphql-yoga server that is based on express and apollo.
To get this all up and running, you will first need to create a free account at Prisma Cloud: (You can use your Github account to make it easier.) After you have logged in, go to the settings
page and copy the "Slug" - you will need this for the .env
file you are about to make.
Copy or rename the file /server/.env.template
to /server/.env
with the slug you were given by the prisma app.
Now you can initialise prisma with a login & deploy.
$ yarn db:prisma:init
It is really worthwhile to check out the playground, because you can actually modify your schema there!
$ yarn db:graphql:serve
$ yarn db:graphql:deploy
- server-graphql/database/datamodel.graphql
- server-graphql/database/seed.graphql
- src/layouts/MyLayout.vue
To get feathers up and running, you just need to:
$ yarn serve:feathers
Of course you don't have any users set up, so you will have to set them:
$ curl 'http://localhost:3030/users/' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "secret" }'
When you restart feathers it will lose this state, so you will have to figure out a way to persist it. Why not GraphQL? Furthermore, this is not a production ready feathers instance. You will have to do a lot of tuning to get it ready for primetime. If you do improve upon it, why not make a PR?
If you are having problems, please check out the feathers branch and use these instructions:
- /config/dev.json
- /test/jest/server-feathers/services/users.test.js
- /test/jest/server-feathers/app.test.js
To make an ssr version of this starter with hot-reloading webpack at localhost:8000
, do this:
# choose your flavour
$ yarn dev:spa
$ yarn dev:pwa
$ yarn dev:ssr
Now start the feathers authentication server
$ yarn serve:feathers
# make a user
$ curl 'http://localhost:3030/users/' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "secret" }'
Now serve the GraphQL
$ yarn db:graphql:serve
There is an example integration of the Quasar Meta Plugin available in /src/layouts/MyLayout.vue
. It uses some of the examples from the quasar docs, most notably the titleTemplate
This project assumes Standard style of JS. Also it uses an opinionated eslint caching and fixing strategy that you can change in quasar.conf.js
if it becomes troublesome. There is also a helpful script that can sometimes save your life:
$ yarn lint:fix
If you are working with a colleague and encountering conditions where linting seems to change depending on OS or workstation, make sure that you don't have different versions of eslint installed globally and that your IDE's really are applying the right eslint settings.
We decided to use PUG (formerly known as Jade) for writing the HTML part of the SFC's. There are a few subtle differences with PUG, notably that you are actually writing less code and using a YML indentation-type of tag closure as opposed the XML type.
Check out PUG mixins. Used properly, they are amazing!!!
So you can see the website in your browser, but are you sure everything is working? This starter kit comes pre-rigged with Jest and Cypress as well as a highly volatile .babelrc
configuration that includes all of the necessary babel modules. So if something breaks in like ten days when Babel releases a new beta, you are wise to make sure your Babel is configured correctly!
The configuration of Jest is in /jest.config.js
. Do not put configurations anywhere else! There is a very simple example of a Jest unit test at /test/unit/components/QBtn.spec.js
that checks to make sure that Vue is instantiated and that quasar components are available. To run it in a way that will constantly watch your tested files for changes (and update your coverage):
$ yarn test:unit:watch
Coverage is set to run automatically at liberal high and low-water marks via the Jest config, and the lcov results can be found in the /test/coverage
folder. See the "Serving" section below for a quick method to see your coverage results in the browser.
We have noticed that there is a chance of Babel complaining that it can't find module './comments/inheritedLeadingComments'. Strangely it only happens once, on the first run of a coverage test and if you are using VS Code. Running the tests again will make the error disappear. To be on the safe side, we have added the
repo, which you can discover here:
The e2e we are using is Cypress, and the config is found at /cypress.json
. There is a sample test called init.spec.js
that will run, but you obviously have to have the dev server running first.
$ yarn test:e2e
If you are smart, you will want to use Vue Devtools with Cypress. To find out how, see this resolved issue at the Cypress repo.
Lighthouse checks the quality of your PWA app, and although you can run it in any browser, there is really a great deal that you can do with it programmatically. Do not run this on a dev server - it will make you sad!
$ yarn test:lighthouse:ssr
To see your results you will need to serve the generated artifact. To do that see the section below. These are the results that will make you happy:
When you build your project, this starter will automatically run and build the webpack-bundle-analyzer that you can find at http://localhost:8888
- in order to modify its configuration, you will need to create an appropriate object in /quasar.conf.js
at build.analyze
. If you want to turn it off, just comment out analyze: true,
To build your SSR and PWA use this command. It places the artifacts at
$ yarn build:ssr
None of this means anything if you don't serve it to either your localhost (or the world).
To serve your SSR node app and PWA, this starter kit assumes that you have nodemon preinstalled. You will find your site live at:
$ yarn serve:ssr
To keep track of your coverage, you can start a simple server with the quasar serve
command that you can call with:
$ yarn serve:test:coverage
It will be available at http://localhost:8788
To actually see the lighthouse results, you can start a simple server with the quasar serve
command that you can call with:
$ yarn serve:test:lighthouse
It will be available at http://localhost:8789
Sometimes you may want someone at the other end of the office (or the planet) to be able to see the current state of what you are working on. This is what the free tool NGROK excels at. To serve the dev ssr version over ngrok, make sure that your dev server is running and use:
$ yarn serve:dev:ngrok
To serve the dist ssr version over ngrok, as above, make sure that you use:
$ yarn serve:dist:ngrok
About NGROK: You may want to edit the command in the package.json in order to choose a server region closer to you [us, eu, au, ap]
Deployment is one of the trickiest things to get right, and is also why a lot of starter kits don't go into it. We'll try that here:
Deploying with Now is a breeze. All you need to do is to follow their installation instructions. They recommend downloading "Now Desktop" but you can skip that and directly install the Now CLI:
$ yarn global add now
$ now login
$ yarn deploy:ssr-now
# And if you want to serve your graphql too:
$ yarn deploy:graphql-now
You might want to use a "now alias" or connect your domain to Now - or even look into automatic deployment with their Github integration.
will install the dependencies automatically then run $ run start
. Your website will be up and running on an HTTPS connection in a matter of seconds!
Coming soon!
Of course you can do this with your own VPS, on your LAN or even AWS. Setting up that kind of stuff goes beyond what we can cover here, but we have some set up a number of additional scripts here that will help you to deploy a pm2 managed instance of your SSR app. Please consult the pm2 documentation about the description of the individual commands. pm2 examples
is a great way to find out more about it.
pm2 start ./dist/ssr-mat/index.js --name quasar-ssr
pm2 start ./dist/ssr-mat/index.js --name quasar-ssr -i max
pm2 start ./dist/ssr-mat/index.js --name quasar-ssr --watch ./dist/ssr-mat
pm2 start ./dist/ssr-mat/index.js --name quasar-ssr --deep-monitoring
pm2 restart quasar-ssr
pm2 stop quasar-ssr
pm2 monitor quasar-ssr
pm2 unmonitor quasar-ssr
pm2 kill
- vuex example binding
- docker setup for production use
- unify .env and feathers config
- cleanup
Here is the redacted results of running quasar info
in the project root at the time of the generation of this starter:
NodeJs 8.11.3
Global packages
NPM 5.6.0
yarn 1.9.4
quasar-cli 0.17.13
vue-cli 2.9.6
cordova 8.0.0
Important local packages
quasar-cli 0.17.13
quasar-framework 0.17.10
quasar-extras 2.0.6
vue 2.5.17
vue-router 3.0.1
vuex 3.0.1
@babel/core 7.0.0-beta.54
webpack 4.16.5
webpack-dev-server 3.1.5
workbox-webpack-plugin 3.4.1
register-service-worker 1.4.1
@nothingismagick (rigging, testing, docs) @kevinmarrec (graphql) @borutjures (feathers-auth) @adampurdy (firebase)
©2018 to Present - D.C. Thompson and Razvan Stoenescu