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Ollabotica - Yet another telegram bot for Ollama

It combines "Ollama" with a playful twist on "bot" and "automatica," giving it a dynamic and tech-savvy vibe. If you're looking for something unique, this could stand out and convey that it's a powerful and engaging framework.


This has been tested against the Ollama Open Web UI's API and should work against work just against their typical API without Open Web UI.


  1. Multiple Telegram Bots against multple Ollama models.
  2. Multiple chat clients against any of these Telgram bots
  3. Each bot can be configured to use a different model, and Ollama endpoint.
  4. Start a new conversation, with an optional new chat prompt
  5. Whitelist for telegram chatids to prevent unauthorized access
  6. Admin Whitelist for telegram chatids to prevent unauthorized access
  7. List, Save, Load, and Delete conversations
  8. Skip Ollama API, and just echo back the user's message (for testing)
  9. Optional Prompt for each chat message
  10. Flexible hosting options, run the local executable or hostable via Docker and docker-compose
  11. All configuration is done via a single file, appsettings.json
  12. Optionally you can mount a volume for the Chat History, via docker settings
  13. List models in the chat
  14. Hot swap a model for a bot in a chat
  15. Ask for debug information
  16. Support for Slack - needs deeper testing from the community (Slack is not my thing)
  17. Support for Discord - DMs or in channels with mentions.

Getting Started

Running with Docker (preferred)

Copy the file:




Edit the file to include your bot token and other settings.

Run the following command:

docker run -d -v ./appsettings.json:/app/ --restart unless-stopped robchartier/ollabotica 

All settings have been documented in the (appsettings.sample.json.txt) file.

Docker Compose, if your into that sort of thing

version: '3'
    image: robchartier/ollabotica:latest
    container_name: telegram-bot-1
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json
      - ./chats:/app/chats

Here is a breakdown of the settings:

  "Bots": [
      "Name": "DevelopmentBot",
      "ServiceType": "Telegram",
      "MentionsOnly": false,
      "ChatAuthToken": "7534503146:AAF9N-VFUEBPP46XciOGDANRLTKzVUq1bRM",
      "OllamaUrl": "",
      "OllamaToken": "sk-9906764735554163917f85eb46071b8b",
      "DefaultModel": "llama3.2:3b",
      "AllowedChatIdsRaw": "502225909,1077146670",
      "AdminChatIdsRaw": "502225909",
      "TimeZone": "Pacific Standard Time"
"Name": "DevelopmentBot"
  • Used in logging to differentiate the log messages per bot
  • Used to partition chats when saved and loaded to/from disk
"ServiceType": "Telegram",
  • Used to indicate the type of service "Telegram", "Discord", or "Slack"
"MentionsOnly": false,
  • Used to limit the interactions to only chat messages which include the Bots name, as stated in configuration.
"TelegramToken": "7536663146:AAF9N-VFU5555555NRLTKzVUq1bRM",
  • BotFather issued token
"OllamaUrl": "",
"OllamaToken": "eyJhbGciasdfyhdfygjhgfyhsI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjRmZjIyOTA2LTgwYTEtNDllNS05ODMxLWUzNDQ5YmU3YWFmNCJ9.s4hqSnlWGQX46HI3zeW46ZJLUDhhiOJEhPLwPn5MrRs",
  • Your Ollama Web UI Instance API endoin (NOT ollama directly)
  • The token, grab a JWT token from the UI under your user settings
"DefaultModel": "dev-bot",
  • Use any model from the Workspaces in Ollama Web UI
"AllowedChatIdsRaw": "544445909,107787674540",
  • A list of chat IDs which are allowed to talk to the bot
"AdminChatIdsRaw": "544445909"
  • A list of chat Ids which are allowed to admin the bot (download new models, delete, etc.)

Keep in mind, "Bots" is an array, so have as many as you want!