It combines "Ollama" with a playful twist on "bot" and "automatica," giving it a dynamic and tech-savvy vibe. If you're looking for something unique, this could stand out and convey that it's a powerful and engaging framework.
This has been tested against the Ollama Open Web UI's API and should work against work just against their typical API without Open Web UI.
- Multiple Telegram Bots against multple Ollama models.
- Multiple chat clients against any of these Telgram bots
- Each bot can be configured to use a different model, and Ollama endpoint.
- Start a new conversation, with an optional new chat prompt
- Whitelist for telegram chatids to prevent unauthorized access
- Admin Whitelist for telegram chatids to prevent unauthorized access
- List, Save, Load, and Delete conversations
- Skip Ollama API, and just echo back the user's message (for testing)
- Optional Prompt for each chat message
- Flexible hosting options, run the local executable or hostable via Docker and docker-compose
- All configuration is done via a single file, appsettings.json
- Optionally you can mount a volume for the Chat History, via docker settings
- List models in the chat
- Hot swap a model for a bot in a chat
- Ask for debug information
- Support for Slack - needs deeper testing from the community (Slack is not my thing)
- Support for Discord - DMs or in channels with mentions.
Copy the file:
Edit the file to include your bot token and other settings.
Run the following command:
docker run -d -v ./appsettings.json:/app/ --restart unless-stopped robchartier/ollabotica
All settings have been documented in the (appsettings.sample.json.txt) file.
version: '3'
image: robchartier/ollabotica:latest
container_name: telegram-bot-1
restart: unless-stopped
- ./appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json
- ./chats:/app/chats
Here is a breakdown of the settings:
"Bots": [
"Name": "DevelopmentBot",
"ServiceType": "Telegram",
"MentionsOnly": false,
"ChatAuthToken": "7534503146:AAF9N-VFUEBPP46XciOGDANRLTKzVUq1bRM",
"OllamaUrl": "",
"OllamaToken": "sk-9906764735554163917f85eb46071b8b",
"DefaultModel": "llama3.2:3b",
"AllowedChatIdsRaw": "502225909,1077146670",
"AdminChatIdsRaw": "502225909",
"TimeZone": "Pacific Standard Time"
"Name": "DevelopmentBot"
- Used in logging to differentiate the log messages per bot
- Used to partition chats when saved and loaded to/from disk
"ServiceType": "Telegram",
- Used to indicate the type of service "Telegram", "Discord", or "Slack"
"MentionsOnly": false,
- Used to limit the interactions to only chat messages which include the Bots name, as stated in configuration.
"TelegramToken": "7536663146:AAF9N-VFU5555555NRLTKzVUq1bRM",
- BotFather issued token
"OllamaUrl": "",
"OllamaToken": "eyJhbGciasdfyhdfygjhgfyhsI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjRmZjIyOTA2LTgwYTEtNDllNS05ODMxLWUzNDQ5YmU3YWFmNCJ9.s4hqSnlWGQX46HI3zeW46ZJLUDhhiOJEhPLwPn5MrRs",
- Your Ollama Web UI Instance API endoin (NOT ollama directly)
- The token, grab a JWT token from the UI under your user settings
"DefaultModel": "dev-bot",
- Use any model from the Workspaces in Ollama Web UI
"AllowedChatIdsRaw": "544445909,107787674540",
- A list of chat IDs which are allowed to talk to the bot
"AdminChatIdsRaw": "544445909"
- A list of chat Ids which are allowed to admin the bot (download new models, delete, etc.)
Keep in mind, "Bots" is an array, so have as many as you want!