Releases: notional-labs/craft
Adds in latest EXP merge
What's Changed
- Dang/add param gov by @GNaD13 in #178
- Bump dotenv from 15.0.1 to 16.0.1 in /craft-rest-api-master by @dependabot in #172
- Bump prettier from 2.5.1 to 2.7.1 in /craft-rest-api-master by @dependabot in #173
- Bump mongodb from 4.3.1 to 4.8.1 in /craft-rest-api-master by @dependabot in #175
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.5.2
What's Changed
- set up test ok by @hieuvubk in #125
- Add more test, fix some logics by @hieuvubk in #126
- Specifications by @hieuvubk in #129
- Craft Makefile by @Reecepbcups in #134
- add cli test by @levanhieuhust in #132
- Bump protobufjs from 6.10.2 to 6.10.3 in /minecraft-integration/craft-test-webapp-poc/keplr by @dependabot in #131
- Real sdk 46+real ibc4 + real cw by @faddat in #137
- Oracle by @vuong177 in #138
- Oracle by @vuong177 in #143
- Exp oracle band by @vuong177 in #145
- Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 in /minecraft-integration/craft-test-webapp-poc/keplr by @dependabot in #147
- configure dependabot by @faddat in #156
- Mint oracle by @vuong177 in #171
- logic change by using oracle by @vuong177 in #146
New Contributors
- @hieuvubk made their first contribution in #125
- @levanhieuhust made their first contribution in #132
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1
Testnet 3 v2
Testnet 3
There is a known issue in tendermint 35. Part of the reason for this test network is to gather data on and help to resolve it. This build:
- Uses wasmvm v1.0.0
- ibc-go v3
- cosmos sdk v46
- tendermint v0.35.6
I'll be inviting technical experts from around cosmos if we begin to experience frequent validator jailings or excessive block times. If we don't, it is possible that the issue was resolved in tendermint v0.35.6.
This build also introduces the exp module, which allows for the chain to be properly administered by the dao, among other things.
Prior to release, we will be upgrading cosmjs, or making/finding another library solution.
What's Changed
- Craft Vanilla Testnet 2 by @faddat in #105
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /minecraft-integration/craft-test-webapp-poc/keplr by @dependabot in #102
- New store logic by @vuong177 in #107
- Module exp for craft by @vuong177 in #92
- Refactor kv exp by @vuong177 in #110
- Refactor kv exp by @vuong177 in #111
- Integrate modules by @faddat in #118
- Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 in /minecraft-integration/craft-test-webapp-poc/keplr by @dependabot in #120
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /craft-rest-api-master by @dependabot in #121
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.4.0
v0.2.2: Testnet 1 v2
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2
Testnet v0.2.1
Patches DB not working (now GoLevelDB) issue: #91
Equality Testnet: v0.2.0
In our first test at work there were issues that were possibly caused by a heavy stake allocation to a single validator. This time, we will start with completely equal stake allocations.
What's Changed
- Add README to Testnet by @chalabi2 in #44
- Create gentx-Imperator.json by @aalahyane95 in #43
- Add Stake Frites as a genesis validator 🍟 by @jemrickrioux in #39
- provide Cros-Nest gentx by @Galadrin in #41
- cyberG gen-tx by @Vgk88 in #42
- Create gentx-pulsar.json by @Pulsarstation in #45
- gentx by @nodestake in #47
- gentx: add blockfend genesis labs by @pwnfoo in #52
- Gentx TTT by @caotre in #48
- Stake98 Gentx by @stake98 in #49
- Create gentx-PFC.json by @PFC-developer in #50
- Add SpacePotato gentx by @spacepotahto in #51
- Add Stakers gentx by @zhangmn88 in #53
- add stakingcabin gentx by @richard-stakingcabin in #54
- Add silent gentx by @silentnoname in #55
- Add web34ever GENTX by @cybernekit in #56
- panxinyang_gentx by @xbdyhh in #57
- Update README to include add-genesis-account cmd by @dylanschultzie in #58
- RHINO gentx by @ericjohncarlson in #59
- Add Chill Validation GenTx by @chillyvee in #60
- Add ZenChainLabs GenTX by @zenchainlabs in #61
- Moneta Gentx genesis by @effofxprime in #62
- Create kingnodes.json by @nullmames in #63
- my gentx addition by @teskymachina in #64
- add polkachu gentx to craft by @PolkachuIntern in #66
- Add gentx-Infinity.json by @InfinityNodez in #69
- add nos gentx by @Nostradamus411 in #70
- Add CryptoCompass gentx by @WALL-E in #71
- Create RED.json by @jack2003jack in #72
- Create mcb.json by @alipostaci2001 in #73
- Create gentx-Enigma.json by @Enigma-Validator in #68
- Add Lex_Prime gentx by @LexPrime in #67
- Add carbonator gentx by @joelsmith-2019 in #74
- Create premet.json by @premetbirol in #75
- Create smyr.json by @redaygul in #76
- The Pizza Tech GenTx by @thepizzatech in #78
- Adding seltonstake gentx by @davidkohcw in #77
- Update Readme by @chalabi2 in #79
- Add ECO Stake gentx by @tombeynon in #81
- needs fix - Analytic-Dynamix.json by @DynamicManic in #80
- SkyNet | Validators Gentx - Corrected by @lightiv in #82
- TM.Interchainers gentx by @tm-labs in #83
- Submit Forbole gentx by @Sayeh-1337 in #84
- Added Gentx by @chalabi2 in #85
- gentx 2 by @chalabi2 in #87
- golangci-lint for go 1.18 by @faddat in #46
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /craft-rest-api-master by @dependabot in #89
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /minecraft-integration/craft-test-webapp-poc/keplr by @dependabot in #90
New Contributors
- @chalabi2 made their first contribution in #44
- @aalahyane95 made their first contribution in #43
- @jemrickrioux made their first contribution in #39
- @Galadrin made their first contribution in #41
- @Vgk88 made their first contribution in #42
- @Pulsarstation made their first contribution in #45
- @nodestake made their first contribution in #47
- @pwnfoo made their first contribution in #52
- @caotre made their first contribution in #48
- @stake98 made their first contribution in #49
- @PFC-developer made their first contribution in #50
- @spacepotahto made their first contribution in #51
- @zhangmn88 made their first contribution in #53
- @richard-stakingcabin made their first contribution in #54
- @silentnoname made their first contribution in #55
- @cybernekit made their first contribution in #56
- @xbdyhh made their first contribution in #57
- @ericjohncarlson made their first contribution in #59
- @chillyvee made their first contribution in #60
- @zenchainlabs made their first contribution in #61
- @effofxprime made their first contribution in #62
- @nullmames made their first contribution in #63
- @teskymachina made their first contribution in #64
- @PolkachuIntern made their first contribution in #66
- @InfinityNodez made their first contribution in #69
- @Nostradamus411 made their first contribution in #70
- @WALL-E made their first contribution in #71
- @jack2003jack made their first contribution in #72
- @alipostaci2001 made their first contribution in #73
- @Enigma-Validator made their first contribution in #68
- @LexPrime made their first contribution in #67
- @joelsmith-2019 made their first contribution in #74
- @premetbirol made their first contribution in #75
- @redaygul made their first contribution in #76
- @thepizzatech made their first contribution in #78
- @davidkohcw made their first contribution in #77
- @tombeynon made their first contribution in #81
- @DynamicManic made their first contribution in #80
- @tm-labs made their first contribution in #83
- @Sayeh-1337 made their first contribution in #84
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.2.0