Nano-tRNAseq is written in Python3 and should work in most UNIX systems.
Make sure you install all programs listed below, before runnning the pipeline. It's recommended to create virtual environment and use Python version 3.7.
# create & activate new virtual environment
mkdir -p ~/src/venv
python3 -m venv ~/src/venv/Nano-tRNAseq
source ~/src/venv/Nano-tRNAseq/bin/activate
# install dependencies
pip install numpy seaborn pandas mappy pysam
Note, this will install only Python dependencies.
We assume you have tools such as bwa mem
and samtools
already installed in your system.
If not, those can be easily installed with conda:
conda install bwa samtools
Note, below we'll use only 10% of randomly selected reads from replicate 1.
This will align tRNA reads from guppy/*/
cd ~/src/Nano-tRNAseq/test
bwa index $ref
params="-W 13 -k 6 -x ont2d -T20"
mkdir -p bwamem
for f in guppy/*/; do
s=`basename $f`
echo `date` $f $s
bwa mem -t6 $params $ref <(zcat $f/*.fastq.gz|sed 's/U/T/g') 2> /dev/null | samtools sort --write-index -o bwamem/$s.bam
done; date
Note, you'll need to basecall the reads before.
The expression of tRNAs can be estimated as follows:
~/src/Nano-tRNAseq/src/ -o rep1.counts.tsv \
-i bwamem/{wt,pus4ko,h2o2}.bam > rep1.stats.tsv
This will produce an output file rep1.counts.tsv
similar to this:
ref wt pus4ko h2o2
Ala-AGC 1175 1103 847
Ala-TGC 472 314 419
Arg-ACG 1547 1342 1019
iMet-CAT 81 182 154
RDN5 8231 4936 3051
RDN58 1400 239 532
oligo3 848 474 582
oligo5 36 27 20
antisense 45 27 11
not_unique 16131 8050 7118
* 44947 32046 27221
Adittionally, it'll report a statistics table to rep1.stats.tsv
like this one
sample reads aligned % unique tRNA % antisense % oligo3 % oligo5 %
wt 116139 71192 61.3 44501 62.51 45 0.1 848 1.19 36 0.05
pus4ko 78583 46537 59.22 32784 70.45 27 0.08 474 1.02 27 0.06
h2o2 65275 38054 58.3 26740 70.27 11 0.04 582 1.53 20 0.05
Finally, you can plot scatterplot of expression for all
(or for selected --sample
) using:
~/src/Nano-tRNAseq/src/ -i rep1.counts.tsv -o rep1.scatter.pdf
First, you'll need to generate difference in sum of basecalling errors between WT and some other sample(s) as follows:
~/src/Nano-tRNAseq/src/ -o heatmap/rep1 -f $ref \
-i bwamem/{wt,pus4ko,h2o2}.bam
Optionally, you can add modification annotation using
-b ~/src/Nano-tRNAseq/ref/yeast.tRNA.modomics.tsv.bed
Then, the heatmaps can be plotted using:
~/src/Nano-tRNAseq/src/ -i heatmap/rep1.err_diff.tsv.gz \
-f $ref -a ~/src/Nano-tRNAseq/ref/yeast.tRNA.modomics.aln.fa