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tRNA alignment pipeline

This pipeline has been adapted from the code described in Hoffman et al., Bioinformatics 2018, which can be found here and is distributed under the MIT license.

We have adapted the code mentioned above to:

    1. improve its performance non-human species (where the quality of tRNAScan predictions can be lower, therefore leading to the annotation of too many tRNA clusters for the mapping).
    1. implement the pipeline in the form of a Docker container, which avoids the requirement of installing the individual softwares used by the pipeline individually. The Docker container can be downloaded as Singularity image to ensure reproducibility and simplicity.

Whenever possible, we tried to employ the same versions of the softwares as in Hoffmann's pipeline. When the version needed was not available, we used the closest one. Versions and software details can be found in

Major differences with the original pipeline:

  • The script was substituted with a modified version of the script, kindly provided by Xavier Hernandez (, due to a bug in dealing with intron-containing tRNA genes.

  • We use 15nt minimum read length for the trimming

  • We use tRNAscan output for masking the genome and for the pre-tRNA reference, but we downloaded the high confidence mature tRNA set from gtRNAdb for the mature tRNA mapping - still, we keep the possibility to map on tRNAscan output in case the users prefers. If working with tRNAscan output, we exclude pseudogenes and tRNAs with NNN anticodons.

  • We keep only reads mapping to the positive strand when mapping to the mature tRNAs

  • We have created a Docker container with all the required software, so that there is no need to install dependencies or individual softwares that the pipeline uses in your local computer or cluster (except for java tools Picard and GATK, that need to be installed separately from the container).

-We added a script to save pre-tRNA reads in a separate .bam file for further analysis


  • Singularity (tested with version 2.6.1-dist)

  • This repository:

git clone

Getting started:

1. Create project folder:


mkdir -p $project/data/genome $project/data/ngs $project/scripts $project/analysis

2. Locate files in the corresponding directory:

  • fastq files in $project/data/ngs

  • adapter sequence (adapter.fa) in $project/data/ngs

  • reference genome in $project/data/genome

  • scripts in $project/scripts

  • mitochondrial tRNAs in $project/data/genome: download mitochondrial tRNA sequences from and put the file in $project/data/genome: (select "send fasta")

3. Download Docker as a Singularity image:

cd $project/scripts

singularity pull docker://scruciani/trna_align:100120

4. Don't forget to set up the variables in the script!

Please note that so far, Picard and GATK cannot work from singularity image, so you have to download picard.jar and GenomeAnalysisTK.jar files and place them in your bin. Versions required by Hoffmann's pipeline are 2.2.1 for Picard and 3.5-0-g36282e4 for GATK.

Once you clone the repo, the template file that you must edit prior to running the pipeline is located under the scripts folder, with comments with regards to the information that needs to be added.

cd $project/scripts

Now you are ready to start running the pipeline! :)

Running the pipeline:

cd $project

You can decide whether to qsub or to source the scripts, here I report the qsub commands.

The and can be done in parallel, as they do not depend the one on the other.

Note: Always qsub from the $project folder!

qsub -cwd -N qcandtrim -M your@mail -m ea -q short-sl7 scripts/

qsub -cwd -N genprep -M your@mail -m ea -q short-sl7 scripts/

At this point, remember to modify the .csv files (remove header) prior to continuing to the next script.

-In the the tRNAmature will just be the same as tRNAName

-For the masking it is important to keep the pseudogenes and the UNN-Undet tRNA genes (to avoid losing reads that might map also to the pseudogenes)

-For the second mapping to the cluster it is important to remove the pseudogenes and the UNN-Undet tRNA genes! (added in script)

Now you can proceed with the pipeline as follows:

qsub -cwd -N trnaprep -M your@mail -m ea -q short-sl7 scripts/

for n in $(ls $project/data/ngs/*_trimmed.fastq.gz); do qsub -cwd -N $(basename $n _trimmed.fastq.gz)_map -M your@mail -m ea -q long-sl7 -pe smp 16 -l virtual_free=80G,h_rt=72:00:00 -v n=$n scripts/; done

for n in $(ls $project/analysis/mapping/*_filtered.fastq.gz); do qsub -cwd -N $(basename $n _filtered.fastq.gz)_gatk -M your@mail -m ea -q short-sl7 -pe smp 16 -v n=$n scripts/; done

Citing this work

A pre-print is currently in preparation.


Please open an issue if you have any doubts on how to use this code. Thank you!


original hoffmann pipeline, with changes for portability






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