Delegative Democracy, or liquid democracy, lies between direct and representative democracy. In direct democracy, participants must vote personally on all issues, while in representative democracy participants vote for representatives once in certain election cycles. Meanwhile, liquid democracy does not depend on representatives but rather on a weighted and transitory delegation of votes. Delegative democracy through elections should empower individuals to become sole interpreters of the interests of the nation. It allows for citizens to directly vote on policy issues, delegate their votes on one or multiple policy areas to delegates of their choosing, delegate votes to one or more people, delegated to them as a weighted voter, or get rid of their votes’ delegations whenever they please.
source wikipedia
npm install (for angular)
npm run hc:start in a terminal
npm run start in another terminal
- Create a proposal view
- Create the voting functionality
- Add User registration and profile (user zome)
- Add in Topic Zome to manage topics
- Create DAO's which overarch
- Add in delegation functionality
- Create a pretty UI