This implementation of Set<E>
interface is an improvement to the standard list backed set.
Our intention was to improve the time complexity of contains
-- a method we figured would be called most often -- even at the expense of add
and remove
. We did so by ordering the backing array, making searching it logarithmic time. However, we did not want to place a constraint on the generic type argument E
that would restrict our implementation to objects that are Comparable
. Therefore, we ordered the element based on the natural ordering of their hash codes.
Although, the proper implementation of a hash based data structure is one in which elements are put into buckets based on their hash code. And, in a properly implemented hash based data structure contains
, add
, and remove
are all constant time operations. That was not our goal.
We were most concerned with showing how a list backed set could be optimized for a particular operation, in our case contains
Type of Set | contains |
add |
remove |
List Backed Set | O(n) | O(n) | O(n) |
Our Set | O(log n) | O(n log n) | O(n log n) |